Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Saturday, 31 January 2009

lose Fat/weight and get fit/style:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsYou build muscle, you lose fat. You build muscle, you gain strength, energy, resistance, enthusiasm, creativity, ability, longevity, esteem - you hit the jack pot.

Most diets don't work for long term fat loss. They're concerned with reducing weight rather than burning excess body fat. They strip off vital muscle, the body's major fat burning component. When you remain at a particular body fat level for a long period of time, your body recognizes that as your fat set point. Substantial time (patience, discipline and fortitude) is required to lower your fat set point as you seek complete and permanent changes.

The body tissue you have today, good or bad, was built almost entirely from the foods you have eaten over the past 6 months. Make a commitment today to renew your body composition.

Watch calories, watch carbohydrates. Avoid excessive fats (high calories) and carbohydrates. The big bonus here is that after a few weeks, your tastes and habits will simply change. Fats, sugar and salt become less interesting. For an intense fat burning regime, try the following tricks.

� With pad and pencil, simply list everything eaten.

� Cut fat and salt intake radically.

� Consider training in the morning - this raises the metabolic rate throughout the day. This means more fat burning and more energy.

� Make sure you get adequate fiber each and every day .

� Drink 1-2 liters of H2O during the day.

� Don't scrutinize. Permanent changes take time. Test and record your bodyfat level every two months. If you use a scale, weigh only once a week. After an initial drop in weight, plan to lose 1/2 to 1 pound per week steadily - a realistic goal.

� Have your larger meals early in the day, making dinner the lowest calorie meal..

� After reaching your goal, be prepared to continue your diet in order to establish a new fat setpoint.

� Remember, protein is king. To assure consistent intake for muscle adaption and weight control a protein powder should be on your shopping list along with the eggs and apples.

� Always and forever, plan a disciplined low calorie day following any unusually high calorie days. Enjoy an extended workout and the subsequent high blood sugar pump.

� Always and forever, plan a disciplined low calorie day following any unusually high calorie days. Enjoy an extended workout and the subsequent high blood sugar pump.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Low Carb Diet Ideas - Tips and Tricks to Lose the Weight:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsFor the most part when no matter how good your intentions are when you begin a diet, it is rare to actually have the motivation to stick with it. Many of your friends and family members will have tips and suggestions to help you lose weight which can often be quite confusing because many of the suggestions will contradict what you have been told by someone else. Here are some low carb diet ideas to add to your collection. The only difference is, these will actually help.

1. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Just the ones that are included in the diet you have chosen. Keep the total amount of carbs you consume daily to a maximum of 10% of your overall daily calorie intake. Don't forget to include proteins on your diet.

2. Follow the recommendations of your low carb diet plan. It is never a good idea to mix different low carb diets. Each diet has its own rules to follow in order to achieve the goal weight, mixing them will not help you lose weight faster. If anything it will help you to gain weight instead.

3. Stay away from sugar and white flour in your foods. Instead try to incorporate more whole grain breads because they will digest easier and keep you feeling full longer. No matter how much you want to have a sweet you should avoid them. If you cave you will only end up having more cravings for the sweets.

4. Watch for hidden ingredients in the foods you eat. Some carbs change to sugars faster than others such as some fruits and veggies. Only eat the low sugar carbohydrates.

5. Supplements should be added into your daily diet. Try taking a fiber supplement as well as mineral and vitamin supplements.

6. Limit the amount of caffeine you consume daily. Caffeine often will increase the hunger a person feels and leads to eating when it is actually unnecessary.

7. Increase the amount of water you drink every day. Try to drink a full 8 oz. glass of water before you eat every meal. This will fill you up without having to eat as much food. You should drink between 10-12 glasses of water a day.

Every low carb diet is created to work in its own way and uses various factors to achieve the weight loss. It is important that you find the best low carb diet to meet your needs, lifestyle and budget. There is no reason to spend substantial amounts of money on foods that you can make yourself. The very best low carb diet ideas anyone can give you are be persistent and determined.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

How to Cut Body Fat Percentage Safely:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsIt's amazing the myriads upon myriads of methods we find in today's world giving advice as to how we can cut our body fat percentage down, safely. Both men and women desire a leaner waist, rock-hard abs and a tighter tush. Sadly, many try to accomplish this with unhealthy diets and harmful exercises.

People have done more harm to themselves these ways than learning proper exercises and beneficial diets. In some cases, you might appear to look better, but not even realize just how unhealthy you've become. It's only proper to learn how to eat healthily and exercise right so you can be healthy, overall.

The fitness and health world offers many vitamins and supplements in order to help you achieve your goal. With these, though, you should still make for yourself a healthier diet with the actual foods you eat and not just depend on these health medicines. Lean meats and foods with low saturated fats are essential for healthy living. If we're going to get healthier, why not start the easy way.

For the record, cutting foods with carbs completely out of your diet is not a good idea. Many people hear of this method and adhere to it, not knowing the benefits of having carbs as a part of your healthy diet. Carbohydrates, to say the least, is where we get much of our energy from. Obviously, then, to cut carbs means to cut energy.

Where, then, will we get our energy from? If your answer is sugar, you're only half right. Sugar does give energy, but only a little at a time. What your body does not use turns into fat. Also, sugar causes crashes. In other words, you'll get your energy, but once this energy source is used up, you crash even faster than the pick-up!

Stay away from starvation diets, too. There are a few ways people do this. One way is to fast for long periods of time. This has no benefit to your health whatsoever, especially if you fast completely, eating and drinking absolutely nothing. Fasting can be beneficial if done moderately, say, once a week.

Some fast once a week and only eat fruit and raw vegetables for that period. This is beneficial. Others overeat until they can't eat any more and then fast for long periods of time. This, too, has no benefits to speak of. By overeating, for one, your body is bound to leave more waste behind, especially fatty cells.

Make an appointment and talk to a physician. This way, you can get professional advice from a person that specializes in knowing what harms and benefits your body. Also, consult with a trainer to make yourself a beneficial workout program.

This way, you're at less risk of harming yourself physically. In any case, there's no better advice than the council given by the professionals. These professionals can tell you exactly how to cut your body fat percentage down, safely.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

High Protein Diet Meal Plans - The Good and Bad:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsWhen you begin looking for the best diet plan to bring you to your goal weight, you will likely come across some pretty wild ideas and suggestions. From fad diets to high protein diet meal plans and virtually everything in between.

This article is going to focus on the pros and cons of high protein diet meal plans. These types of diets generally recommend that the dieter increase the protein intake daily to between 30-40% of the overall calorie intake. These diet regimens and meal plans are designed to be the total opposite of what most people consider to be a good diet.

There are several spin offs of these types of diets but they all have the same basis on calorie intake from proteins. Many people consider high protein diets to also be low carb diets as well. Some of the foods you will have to cut out or limit on these diets plans are:

* pasta
* sugars
* potatoes
* cereal
* bread

Low carb high protein diets work because instead of relying on the carbs that have been consumed to burn the calories it works on actually burning the fat first because of the lower carb intake. Recently people are realizing that this dietary modifications are beneficial and do not cause the harm it was once thought to.

The Good to High Protein Diet Meal Plans:

* You will feel full quicker and the feeling of satisfaction with the amount of food you ate will last longer.

* You can still eat the foods that are high in protein without being penalized, like many other diets.

* You can eat low carb veggies. For example, broccoli and tomatoes.

The Bad to High Protein Diet Meal Plans:

* Some of these diets will require you to limit your carb intake drastically which can be unhealthy.

* Cutting back on some of the fiber rich foods that also have carbs can limit the amount of fiber you are getting daily.

* Be cautious when choosing your high protein diet because many of the plans will suggest you consume a larger than healthy amount of fats daily. This has the potential to elevate the risks for some cancers and high blood pressure.

Here is a sample meal plan for a diet high in protein:

* Steak and your choice of egg
* Coffee or tea (one cup, no milk)

* Pita pocket loaded with tuna salad
* Almonds (keep it on the smaller serving size)

* Broccoli and cauliflower mixture with broiled salmon
* Glass of seltzer water

A little something extra to tie you over
*scoops of peanut butter
* mixed nuts

As you can see just because you have decided to use a high protein diet meal plan to help you lose weight it doesn't mean you have to have flavorless food. Although your options will be limited you can still eat a variety of healthy foods that will surely satisfy your hunger needs. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Friday, 30 January 2009

Tips to Shed a Few Extra Pounds!:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsThe Christmas season is a time when most people tend to let go, throwing caution to the wind. Overspending on credit cards, overindulging on alcohol and just eating a bit too much are some of the outcomes. Come January/February and we get a huge shock when we see the credit card bill, or step on the bathroom scale. I can't help you with the credit card bill, but can help loose those extra pounds.

One true fact about weight loss is 'No Pain, No Gain' or maybe that should be no pain no loss. There is no quick fix when it comes to shedding off those pounds regardless of what medical remedies may say. Your body weight doesn't just consist of fat, some of the weight is water weight while some is muscle but we are all mostly concerned about weight due to fat which unfortunately is the hardest to loose.Water weight is relatively easy to loose which is also why some of these remedies or drugs that claim to help you loose weight in a matter of days are most likely false. You might loose weight when you check the bathroom scale but is it really fat you're loosing?

Here are five relatively easy tips to get you started in loosing weight which you should be able to fit into your current lifestyle easily but remember, you need to put in the effort.
Get rid of those soda cans and get water bottles.
I am amazed everyday by how many people drink very little or no water at all. Drinking more water in itself can make you loose weight. The body is made up of 75% water and is therefore vital for our organs to have as much water as possible. The liver is responsible for the breakdown of fat in the body so by not drinking water, the liver can't work as efficiently and more fat is retained in the body.
Get a small 500ml water bottle and keep it topped up when at work, taking regular sips. Aim to finish about 3 - 4 bottles a day. This would also mean you make regular trips to the bathroom thereby doing more exercise.
If you drive to work, park on the farthest parking spot from your office door available. This shouldn't be too hard to do and should most often than not be empty. More distance to walk means more exercise.
Substitute that crisp/sweet/chocolate box for a box of grapes, strawberries or tangerines. We all get the feeling where we feel like munching on something and most time reach for a little piece of candy. Well the little piece of candy does a lot of damage. This may take a bit more will power but you need to make a cautious effort. Grapes and strawberries are perfect when you feel like munching on something and provide the same feel good factor you get from eating crisps and chocolates.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Boost Your Metabolism and Burn More Calories:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsAre you having problem losing weight? You eat less, losing your energy, feeling fatique and bad mood all the time, and the weight just doesn't come off. On the other hand, you see some people, eating all the time and they could stay skinny. This is unfair!. You must've thought like that.

Yes, this could be unfair, because each individual has different rate of metabolism.

So, why does metabolism important? Our bodies burn calories from food and change it into energy through metabolism. In other words, a person with high metabolic rate, will burn more calories and weight loss would be easier and quicker. Slow metabolism could happen for genetic reasons, and you could also blame your lifestyle for that. However, this doesn't mean that you can't increase your metabolic rate. When your metabolism increased, you could even lose weight while sleeping.

Here are a few effective ways to boost your metabolism :

Don't skip meals and eat more often

Instead of skipping meals and starving yourself, try to eat 5-6 small meals everyday. When you go too long between meals, your body get panic. Thinking that there's no food supply, it will then slow down the metabolism and store the food instead of using it for energy. But, remember to watch your portion and don't indulge yourself with high fat, high sugar snacks. Add protein in each of your meal to maximise your calorie burning process. Opt for low fat proteins such as fish, lean meat or skinless chicken.

Build muscle

To increase your metabolism, increase the amount of muscle in your body. The best way is through weight lifting. Weight lifting keeps metabolism going for hours even after work outs and lean muscle will burn you more calories even while you're resting. Go to the gym and do some aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week, or you could also consider doing interval training. The more intense your exercise, the more your metabolism pumped during and after work outs.

Be more active in your daily activities and keep moving. Use the stairs, stand up instead of sitting, walk or even tap your feet

Consider eating spicy food. Add extra pepper or chilli in your meals could raise your metabolism by up to 50 % for up to 3 hours.

Drink plenty of water. Research also shows that caffein beverages such as coffee, tea or even soda could temporarily stimulate your metabolism. Green tea is a healthier choice, as it is also high in antioxidant.

Being very cold or being very hot is also thought to boost your metabolism by up to 20%. You can try steam room or sauna once a week.

Sleep at least 7-8 hours every night. Lack of sleep will slow down your metabolism. Some people often thought that lack of sleep will make them loose weight, instead, it will boost your appetite, slow down your metabolism, which will then encourage weight gain.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Thursday, 29 January 2009

The Good Effects Of Acai Berry Drink:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsAcai berry drink is made from the pulp of Acai berry which is found in the Amazonian forests of South America. The fruit is extremely nutritious and contains all the essential nutrients in a balanced proportion. It helps to maintain youthfulness and good health. The fruit is easily perishable, hence it is sold in the forms of concentrated juice, dry powder and capsule.

Natural Heart Tonic

Acai berry drink is a natural health tonic and can be taken regularly as a supplement to maintain good health and keep the body free from any serious ailments. The presence of carbohydrates and proteins makes this drink a high energy and nutritious drink for sports persons. This berry contains essential fatty acids like Omega 6 and Omega 9 which are essential for the well being of the heart.

Acai berry drink is more beneficial than red wine as it contains a larger amount of anthocyanins than the latter and also does not have the negative effects of alcohol. It contains a greater concentration of anti oxidants than other fruits. Antioxidants are essential as they improve the immunity of the body and also fight the factors which cause ageing. The drink is also rich in minerals like copper, phosphorus, calcium, iron and potassium.

Research The Internet To Buy The Pure Acai Berry Drink

The drink is purple in color, owing to the purple color of the fruit itself. It has a shiny surface due to the presence of the fatty acids. You can have the drink individually or mixed with some other fruit juice. There are no side effects of this drink if taken as per the recommended dosage. The popularity of this fruit's benefits is leading to a higher demand for this drink which accounts for the steep price. But the wide benefits of the fruit make it worth the cost.

One can buy the drink online from sites which sell this product. It is important to ensure that you buy a pure acai berry drink and not a mixture of other fruit juices. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Advice: 10 Pounds to lose is the Power of the Mind!:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsYou may have 10 pounds to lose and you're just starting your fat loss program, or it may be the last 10 pounds to lose from months or years of constant work. The last 10 pounds are the easiest ones to lose and let me tell you how.

One critical thing when trying for the last 10 pounds to lose is the power of the mind. First of all, don't "try" to lose the last 10 pounds, but rather do it. Know that it is going to happen and expect it to happen. Simple enough to say, but it is true. When we get to the last 10 pounds to lose, we begin to coast and ease up on our training and commitment, but I'm telling you to do exactly the opposite. This is the time to push forward and pick up speed, and be every more diligent in your choices. For more details you can visit at www.auto-cons.com. You must know in your mind that the last 10 pounds to lose is the easiest part of the journey. Use the power of your mind to visualize success and yourself not only standing at the finish line having successfully achieved your goal, but even more so than that.. Visualize yourself picking up speed and running through the finish line. Your motto should be "there is nothing more powerful than a warrior running through the finish line". Be a fat burning warrior.

If you have been on some sort of "last 10 pounds to lose" program, it's likely included exercise. You are probably doing cardio like crazy. Well, you should be. If you have not been doing cardio, now is the time to start. If you have been, then now's the time to kick it up a notch. The last 10 pounds to lose is as easy as increasing your output. Doubling your cardio to 6 times per week, or if you've already been doing that, then do a second cardio session in the evening for a twice a day cardio workout. Wow, that will really kick things into gear. One caveat: if you increase your output of exercise, you may also need to increase your calorie consumption a bit to match your bodies' new need for food.

If everything is going well, you can take some time to finally clean up your diet. This means that the last 10 pounds to lose may require re-thinking your diet. Are you eating any condiments? Are you eating dairy products? Have you been eating low fat foods thinking they're healthy and designed to help you lose the last 10 pounds?

Here are some simple rules to help you clean up your diet:

� How many names are listed on the ingredients? The lower the number of items listed, the better it is for you.

� Can you remove condiments from your diet for a short period of time? Eliminate ketchup (which I call tomato flavoured sugar), eliminate mayonnaise, get rid of salad dressings. Eliminate soy sauce from your rice.

� What are you drinking? you can also visit at www.answer-service.com, At this point, your goal of 10 pounds to lose would include a very substantial change in fluids. An increase in water consumption and a removal of all other fluids such as juices or other non-nutritional beverages will assist with the last 10 pounds to lose.

The longer you are awake, the longer your body is burning calories and the more time you have to ingest and burn the 5 or 6 meals required. Eating every 3 hours for 5 meals requires starting at 6 am and eating last meal at 6 PM for example. For men, eating another meal at 9 pm.
If you are really trying to lose the last 10 pounds, remember that it should always be considered easy. If you tell yourself it's easy and your mind knows that you think it's easy that it becomes easy. You are what you think. What you focus on expands. Your mind cannot tell the difference between what you think is real and what is real, so know in your heart and mind that the last 10 pounds to lose is easy. Clean up your diet, improve what you drink for fluids, spend more time awake and make sure you stay active.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Humans Don't Need Meat, According to the Raw Vegetable Diet!:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsHumans Did Not Always Eat Meat

Do you ever think about how far we've diverted from the path of our pre-historic ancestors and they're eating patterns? Consider how the earliest humans evolved, and what they ate. They were hunter-gatherers and did not evolve with the characteristics of carnivores. Humans aren't made to tear animals apart and eat their flesh. When you look at carnivorous animals, such as wild cats, you can see their teeth are designed to rip and tear, not chew.

Humans evolved from vegetarian creatures. Even our digestive systems are not particularly suited to eating meat. Eating meat is a relatively recent development in human history, most likely born of opportunity and necessity. Perhaps earliest man observed carnivores eating meat, and if they couldn't find any of the natural foods they were used to eating, such as vegetables, berries, nuts and grains, then they might have assumed that eating meat would at least sustain life.

But initially we emulated the creatures we evolved from, herbivores like apes. Even to a prehistoric mind, apes would have looked similar to man, walking primarily upright, with arms and hands. We naturally would have foraged for our food, eating roots and berries, fruits and nuts. We would have watched the apes peeling bananas, or crushing nuts on stones to get at the meat of the nut.

We would have been living more moment-to-moment, constantly foraging for food. Hunting, after all, requires thought and planning. Eating meat requires preparation and most importantly, fire. Until man discovered fire, he was primarily vegetarian, living in what was the natural order of things. Vegetarian eating is a more natural way of eating, in addition to being healthier. It's a way that's in balance with the planet, and doesn't seek to dominate it and conquer it.

It must have felt unnatural at first, to eat animal flesh. After all, we're not so far removed from animals ourselves. Perhaps it even felt cannibalistic. There might not have been that much intellectual distinction between humans and other animals.

When humans were pure vegetarians, they were living in harmony with the earth and with the other creatures co-habiting the planet with them. Their closest animal relatives, apes, were vegetarians. Eating the products of the earth, like plants, grains and fruits that they could gather and eat would have seemed the natural order of things.

But necessity is the mother of invention. Prehistoric men who lived in frozen geographies, or who lived in an area that became devastated by fire, would have eaten anything to survive. Just like the soccer players whose plane crashed in the mountains of Chile, and were forced to eat the flesh of other players who died in the crash, earliest man at some point had to make the choice for survival, and that could have consuming meat for the first time and changing human history - and health - forever.

We can imagine that men first ate meat that had been charred or cooked by virtue of being caught in a natural forest fire.

They might have subsequently eaten raw meat, if necessary, but we can also imagine that our earliest digestive systems rebelled against eating raw meat.

Imagine having eaten raw foods and vegetables for eons, and all of a sudden, incorporating meat products into your system. You may have heard friends who were vegetarians tell stories of trying to eat meat and becoming violently ill afterwards.

Biologists will tell you we're really not designed to eat meat, but we adapted to it. However, in the timeline of human history, eating meat is a relatively recent evolutionary development.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Introduction to the Raw Vegetable Diet:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsNourishing Our Body - Nourishing Our Spirit

Many times our choice to become vegetarian isn't only for health, environmental, or economical reasons, but also spiritual. There is a heartfelt connection between vegetarianism and the deeper side of nourishment. We must learn to nourish ourselves not only physically, but also spiritually.

The subject of nutrition is not simply a question of the food we eat at meals. Besides nutrients, foods contain scents, colors and invisible particles that attract pure light, light that is so essential for our joyful life and well-being. The choice we make is therefore always of consequential significance.

Grains, fruits and vegetables naturally grow and flourish in sunlight, and you could deduce they are actually their own form of light. In order to develop the qualities of the heart, we must eat not only peacefully, but consciously. Therefore it makes sense to consume food that is nourished by sunlight.

As a result, our emotions and our essence are illuminated and nourished as well.

It's long been said that your body is your temple and everything that enters that temple has a direct result in who we become. Therefore, when we choose to nourish our bodies with healthful, nutrient-dense plant foods from the earth, we are in turn nourishing our souls, our spirit, and our being. The quality of your food and its physical properties not only transforms our emotions and mind, but can actually change your appearance and personality.

By focusing our diet on fresh fruits and vegetables that are in season and organically produced, we are in turn connecting with nature and learning to live in harmony with it. By committing and devoting ourselves to a vegetarian lifestyle, we've also committed to nourishing our souls and our inner well-being. You can't ask for a more perfect health food than that!
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Lap band surgery side-effects�what to do:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Lap band surgery is considered as the safe and reliable solution for loss of body weight. Really it is different from traditional weight loss procedure. Most get best result from this surgery. Results also vary from person to person. when you forward your step toward lap band surgery that keep always in mind that like any other surgery it is also included with side-effects which really means a lot for you. It's not that you can ignore this. This really affects you. It is true that most get less than other but you should take care of it after surgery. Lap band surgery side-effects can bother you or mislead in taking decision of lap band surgery but if you aware with all lap band surgery side-effects then you can avoid yourself from these things. Not totally but surely.

The common side-effect associated with lap band surgery is vomiting. It cause when you eat large chunky food or drink any liquid in a hurry. It may lead to slippage of band and re-operation but you can avoid this just by taking care of eating procedure. Don't make your mind that after surgery you are really going to loss approx 50% of weight. It may less in your case. Generally it differs from person to person. Consult with your surgeon and make a clear concept about the lap band surgery before going for it. You can't take it lightly because it is really expensive surgery and not getting the right result may disappoint you. And after having a real fact about the risk and complication then you can do thing to avoid this. Make a conversation with successful lap band patients.

Most of the side-effects of lap band surgery are normal just need a proper attention during the phase after lap band surgery. some common side-effects are--nausea, ban slippage, erosion of lap ban in stomach, Weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, erosion, problem in sleeping, hair loss, dehydration, ulcer, inconsistent stool, and reflux. There are many more too. You every surgery has side-effects but your intelligence can avoid this. Be in contact with surgeon after surgery. Change your life style. If problem persist immediately consult to your doctor.

These side-effects really don't matter more than the problem has been faced by you after being obese. Your internal feeling always letting to find the solution through which I can rid from this life. Teasing words from colleague really affects you which are more than these side-effects. If you really care about your health and really want to loss your weight than you can adjust these side-effects. Choose the right surgeon whose success rate is high, who really guide you before and after surgery. Completely change your lifestyle and always be in contact with surgeon. Try any other natural way to loss your weight if you really afraid with the lap band surgery side-effects. I am repeatedly telling you before surgery clear your all doubt about the lap band surgery. Don't hurry for this. Patiently and comfortably go for lap band surgery with the awareness of its side-effects.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots
So you want to know how to lose weight fast and keep it off? It's very simple really. We make it difficult, but most of us already know what to do to take off the weight, but are just not willing to do what it takes. Wanna know what it takes? Here you go...

1. Weight loss is 85% what you put into your body.
If you put in garbage, you'll get garbage. You don't have to count calories, just make a conscious choice every single time you open your mouth.

2. Don't eat when you are not hungry.
Too many times, we eat because we are bored or when we are emotional.

3. Choose higher protein foods, lower fat content, whole unprocessed foods, simple carbohydrates (fruits and veggies), complex carbohydrates (sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal), and lay off of the heavy carbs and junk foods.

4. Drink plenty of water.
(Your body weight times 1/2 in ounces)

5. Get active!
Do something everyday. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park further away. Walk as though you are in a hurry. Do push-ups, lunges, chair squats at home throughout the day. You can do those almost anywhere and you don't have to do them all at once.

6. Make it a lifestyle.
Let's face it. If you stop doing what's healthy, you won't be healthy anymore. So, keep it up. Make it a permanent change.

And last, but not least...

7. Give yourself a break!
We all need a break sometimes. Just because you splurge once, doesn't mean that you have to give up. If you feel like you are depriving yourself, you'll be less likely to stick with it. So, once every couple of weeks or so, splurge and have something that you really love, but shouldn't eat all the time. Not only will it stop the feeling of deprivation, but it will confuse your body, and keep you on your fat burning path.

For more tips, exercises, sample menus, and more, Click Here!
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Tips for Getting Rid of Belly Fat :

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsA lot of people are happy with their weight, but they still have a little extra "pudge" around their belly that they'd like to get rid of. Belly fat is some of the hardest fat to get rid of. Flat stomachs are desired by all, but only a few are lucky to have them.

Thankfully, it's not as hard as you may think. While it's not easy either, it's by far not impossible. What you need to realize is that you can't "target" your belly when it comes to losing fat. You have to lose fat all over your body. Simply doing 50 sit ups or crunches everyday won't make your stomach appear flat. You have to also eat healthier, do regular cardio, and strength training if you want a flat tummy.

It may seem like a lot of effort, but that's what you're going to have to do. Most of us aren't lucky enough to eat whatever we want without worrying about fat. No, most of us have to watch what we eat and do a lot of cardio.

The more intense cardio that you do, the more quickly you'll burn fat. No, you can't expect to go from being sedentary to running a marathon in a month, but you can work your way up over time. Going for brisk walks a few afternoons a week is a great place to start. Listen to music along the way to keep you entertained. Have a buddy to go with you as well. Try walking at least a mile a few times a week, and before you know it, you'll be jogging!

Try cutting down on the calories as well. Don't starve yourself, though. That will just make things worse in the long run. There are calculators online that will help you figure out the appropriate amount of calories you should eat each day in order to achieve your goals.

Strength training is also important. Try starting out with just five pounds if you have to, and then move on to ten, and then fifteen. Start out slowly and don't push yourself too hard. Injuring yourself will only prolong your chances of getting rid of belly fat.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Holiday Feasting Without Gaining Weight:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsHoliday Feasting Without Gaining Weight

It's time for the holidays! Unfortunately, for some, it's also time to gain a few extra pounds. While holiday dinners are supposed to be fun and enjoyable for the entire family, some find them stressful and worrisome. It's very hard to diet when you see your family eating ham, chicken, rolls, pie, cakes, etc. While they're feasting on all that delicious food, you're struggling to cut down on all of it in order to lose weight.

Would you like some good news? You CAN enjoy all that food with your family and not gain any weight. The trick is to not get carried away with it. Fill your plate with a small serving of your favorite foods. Place them neatly on your plate, do NOT pile it all on. Eat slowly and take one bite at a time. Chew slowly. Take a drink of water in between each bite.

You don't have to starve yourself, you can still enjoy your favorite holiday foods by eating slowly and in moderation. The more slowly you eat your food, the easier it will be to digest and the less likely you'll retain any fat! You can still enjoy dessert as well. You can eat a small piece of pie without feeling guilty afterwards. Just cut yourself a smaller piece than usual.

Once you're done eating, if you still feel guilty, then you can always exercise some. Go for a walk or help clean up the dishes. Keep yourself busy in order to burn calories. You don't have to run a marathon--a little work out with go a long way. Spend at least twenty minutes cleaning, walking, or doing some sort of physical activity. It can be light.

If you want to do cardio, wait until the next morning. The best time to do cardio and to burn fat is when you have an empty stomach. As soon as you wake up the morning after, spend 40-60 minutes doing some cardio. Make sure you drink a lot of water before and after.

You have every right to enjoy your holiday dinners along with the rest of your family! All you have to do is eat in moderation, drink a lot of water, do some light activities afterwards, and work out the morning after! Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Exercise Variety Helpful in Keeping Unwanted Pounds Away:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsAs the 2008 year comes to a close, it's easy to reflect on certain events. Many people find themselves thinking about the things they didn't get done during the year as a new year draws close. With all of the promise that a new year brings, resolutions also come into play. You find many people vowing to do better in the coming year than they've done in the past. A very popular New Year's resolution is to lose weight. You find that right after the holidays, people are feeling especially fat. The start of a new year is the start of new beginnings. People vow to eat better, work out more and watch their calories so that they'll have the body they want by the summer.

There are lots of people that fall into the over weight or obese category and will find that they need to lose weight to get healthy. There are also many of us that wouldn't mind losing a few pounds and toning muscle. There are lots of approaches you can take when trying to lose weight. One of the most popular ways is to restrict calories. Watching what you eat and cutting down on fat and empty calories will definitely help you lose pounds. Of course if you want to accelerate your weight loss, adding in exercise will get you on your way. Adding some cardiovascular exercise into your schedule can help you burn calories and fat, and in turn help you lose weight. Using resistance training in your exercise will help define and tone your muscles. When looking for a type of cardio that will work for you, there are tons of activities to choose from. Some of the more popular exercises include aerobics, step aerobics, treadmills, elliptical machines, running, walking and several others.

No matter what your preferred form of exercise, there is bound to be something you can find that will be to your liking. For your calorie restriction, there are many different types of diets that can help you with that. It is important to follow a diet that is going to meet your nutritional needs. There are a lot of diets that come along that promise very quick results, but can be damaging to your health. There are plenty of healthy diets that are available that don't require you to totally give up certain groups of food. An important part of losing weight is finding new and creative ways to prepare your meals. Cooking can be your best friend when you are on a diet because there are a lot of hidden calories and fat in restaurant and fast food dishes. Staying motivated when you want to Lose Weight is the key. Find workouts that are fun for you and find recipes that include some of your favorite foods and flavors. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

What Do Carbohydrates Do?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsGoing into a diet can be quite an interesting journey and at the same time, it can be quite overwhelming as there are so many variables that you have to consider in order to go through your diet as safely and healthy as possible. You have to look at many different things through the course of the diet and the choice of food and food group is one of the important elements that you have to take account. One of the food groups that you may need to look into is carbohydrates. What do carbohydrates do and how can it help you in your diet?

First of all carbohydrate is a major energy source. If you are going into a diet, you know that you'll need some energy for the first few days. A calorie restricted diet can make you quite tired if you are not used to dieting. Our muscles, brains and cells need sugar in order to function properly. We get carbohydrate from sugar and starches that is converted into energy . If we eat too much of that carbohydrate, the body store the extra energy as fat. If we want our diet to be successful, we have too eat just enough carbohydrate to have enough energy to function. Too much will only remain as fat storage unless we follow an intense exercise program while we diet.

You can follow a mainly carbohydrate diet, but you'll have to be very careful in selecting the food you eat and make sure that your diet regimen is well balanced. For example, you can choose to eat fresh healthy fruits and vegetables. Eat whole grain bread instead of white bread and stay away from high calorie pastries and junk food. If you are still asking what do carbohydrate do? You'll know it provides the energy required for the body to operate properly and should be taken carefully and in good portion. Eating a fresh salad and drinking herbal tea and lots of fresh water is one the choices that should listed in your food selection.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

How to Choose a Fast, Safe Weight Loss Diet :

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsGot a big event coming up? Or maybe you're just sick and tired of carrying around a few extra pounds, and you don't want to waste time with diets that take months to complete and might not even yield results?

When they feel the need to lose weight fast, the first question that comes to most people's minds is: should I start eating less? Usually, it's quickly followed by: What are the lowest calorie foods I can find?

It might seem logical that if you want to lose weight, the solution is to eat less. But unless you've been severely overeating, that's probably not true. Especially if your goal is fast, safe weight loss, eating less probably isn't the key.

This might surprise you, but when it comes to weight loss, the most effective way to slim down quickly and safely is to stimulate your metabolism. Eating less is the last thing you want to do when you're trying to speed up your metabolism. Believe it or not, the key to improving your metabolism lies in the intervals at which you eat, and when you eat certain types of food.

It's a cutting-edge field of dietary research called calorie shifting. The calorie shifting approach to dieting is fast, safe, and proven to result in rapid weight loss-as much as 9 pounds every 11 days.

The most popular calorie shifting diet on the market is FatLoss4Idiots. When I posted a FatLoss4Idiots review to my dieting advice site, customers of the program quickly started writing in and tell me that it had worked beyond their wildest expectations. It's totally possible to start losing weight right now, and get the sort of body you've dreamed of. It doesn't have to be a painful or difficult process. You just have to take action and use the right program.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

5 Ways To Lose Weight By Changing How You Think :

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

It is important to create some healthy thinking when beginning your weight loss journey in order to be successful.

Here are 5 strategies that will help you create a healthy mindset towards losing weight and help you achieve your weight loss goals:

  1. Make a Decision

  2. Decide that you want to adopt a healthy way of life for the long term rather than start a fad diet. Make decisions about how much weight you want to lose, how much exercise you want to do and how you want to change your eating habits.

  3. Make it Compelling

  4. Try thinking about what it will cost you if you don't make these changes. Think about what it will cost you emotionally, physically, psychologically and financially. Think about the benefits of making these changes.

  5. Make it a Must

  6. List all the reason why you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle for the long-term. Decide it is a "must" not a "want", "should" or "maybe".

  7. Make it Real

  8. Schedule time to work on your health and fitness goals the same way you would schedule any other appointment. Make note of your health "appointment" in your diary so it becomes a priority. If you are not willing to schedule the time then maybe losing weight is not a "must" for you.

  9. Take Action

  10. Set goals for your weight loss, exercise and eating. Start by setting small daily and weekly goals to get you on your way to your long-term goals. Before you get on with your busy life commit to taking at least one action in the next 24-48 hours. What is the next step you will take?

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Is Strip That Fat the Best Fat Loss Program?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsMany people have said that Strip That Fat is the best fat loss program. I went out and researched it for myself. My answer in one word is YES.

This program talks about the best methods to use to lose weight forever. There are a couple of key points that set Strip That Fat apart from the competition.

1st-They tell you why other diets don't work. A lot of people try bogus diets that are only ways for scam artists to get your money. In this guide, they tell you why these don't work and why their prgram does, with real life facts and evidence.

2nd-They provide a mathematical formula for you to calculate how much weight you want to lose and where the fat is. With this formula you can drop fat from your, hips, waist, and thighs (or any other part of your body for that matter).

3rd-They give you real life statistics of how much of the world is overweight. 60% of the world is overweight, that comes out to about 750,000,000 people! With this program you can be one of the 40% that is fit and in shape.

4th-You can start seeing results in one week. This is a true statment, while it will be small, if you follow the guide, you can see weight loss in as little as a week.

Strip That Fat is for sure the best fat loss program on the internet. It can change your life forever. They even have free weight loss secrets for you to have.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Monday, 26 January 2009

Acai Berry Power 500 - Does It Really Work?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsThe new weight loss and nutrition wonder food Acai Berry Power 500 is now respected as one of the most potent food sources ever to be found. By simply taking 2 Acai berry power 500 tablets per day you will easily be able to lose all the weight you want. Acai berry can achieve this by balancing your cholesterol and blood sugar levels whilst speeding up your metabolism. This creates volumes of excess energy as well.

But why is Acai Berry so different from all other supplements out there? Because Acai berry supplements simply out perform all others.

It removes built up waste and toxins from your entire body, which in most peoples bodies is around twenty five pounds. It is also known to purify the blood, rebuild and strengthen the immune system, normalize your cholesterol levels, restart your metabolism and balance your hormones. And that's just to name a few from a very long list.

Probably the biggest benefit of taking Acai Berry power 500, aside from the constant weight loss, is the increase in energy people report when they start taking the Acai Tablets. But little do they know that Acai extract was first introduced into the U.S as an additive for energy drinks and high energy smoothies. It was eventually abandoned for a cheaper alternative once the price of Acai increased due to it's sudden popularity.

It has also been proven that Acai Berry helps fight cancer cells. Acai berries also possess high amounts of plant phenols and anti-mutagenic compounds, it is these same compounds that our bodies use to fight off most of our common diseases. Acai berry power 500 also contains a small share of free radicals and minerals which are also required by our bodies to help stimulate muscle growth and skin elasticity. Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Weight Loss - Fire it Up:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsHot red peppers are used in diets all over the world to spice up food but very few people realize the effects they have on weight loss. Capsaicin, the active component of chili peppers, has been shown in clinical studies to induce a significant negative energy balance, greatly reducing the epidydimal adipose tissue (fat), and lowering blood insulin levels by as much as thirty percent.

A negative energy balance occurs when more energy, (calories) is expended than is consumed.

It has also been shown to reduce consumption and appetite while stimulating nervous system activity. What more could you want from a natural thermogenic food?

According to a study at Laval University, capsaicin is a bioactive agent that can produce metabolic changes and can significantly favor a negative energy and fat balance and a decrease in body fatness. This works in several different ways. Ingestion of capsaicin significantly increases your metabolism by raising your body temperature, leading to a natural burning of calories and fat. Capsaicin also causes a reduction in production of blood insulin, in turn lowering the amount of fat the body can store.

This is particularly true in the storing of abdominal fat. So, not only does capsaicin cause you to burn more fat, but it also causes you to store less fat.

In a study at Maastricht University, capsaicin was shown in a matter of minutes to significantly reduce the production of ghrelin, a hormone produced in the stomach, brain, and pancreas that makes you hungry, more focused on food, and more willing to eat anything in front of you. By reducing the desire for food, and willingness to eat whatever is in front of you, you can make more educated decisions when it comes to the food you eat.

Your will power is not weak-your level of ghrelin may be the cause of your inability to stick to a healthy meal plan. Capsaicin gives you the ability to make healthy choices with greater ease.

There are many fun ways to add hot chili peppers to your diet. There are several recipe books that focus on adding chili peppers to all types of cuisines. Salsa, the number one condiment in America is great source of chili peppers; just remember that it needs to be hot. Another great way to add chili peppers to your diet is to add a little Tabasco to a V8. Red pepper is also great way to spice up your soup, chili, or pizza.

Just remember-find a way to spice up your food and who knows what else will get spiced up! When nothing else works-spice up your life!

Loyd Alexander is very knowledgeable about fitness, health, and weight loss. He has several years experience in Tae Kwon Do, Judo, bodybuilding, and is now concentrating on becoming a powerlifter. He is also the co-owner of http://www.theperfectdreambody.com/

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fast weight loss through drinking green tea:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsThe basics
Green tea is one of Mother Nature's wonders. It has been used for more than 4000 years in Chinese culture and medicine, to treat everything from headaches to depression. Green tea can also help to boost your immune system and combat all kinds of viruses.

The health benefits of green tea are indisputable, but how does it help you to stay slim and burn off those extra kilos? Green tea can actually help you lose and manage weight in two ways.

First, green tea works to regulate blood-sugar levels by reducing the amount of insulin the body produces. This prevents fat being stored and keeps your appetite under control.

Secondly, green tea extract results in a significant increase in energy expenditure. EGCG, the main polyphenol in green tea, is an effective thermogenic, which increases metabolism and the burning of body fat.

The plan
It's simple. Simply sip green tea with each meal. You should find that it helps to suppress your appetite, while increasing your metabolic rate.

Studies have found that drinking around four to five cups a day of green tea is ample to get the maximum benefits. Or visit your naturopath for capsules if you prefer. If you drink it as a tea, add some honey, lemon juice and ice for a refreshing summer drink.


� The diet is simple to follow and can be used in conjunction with other diet plans. It can easily fit around your eating habits.

� Studies have shown its effectiveness as a diet aid. New research continues to shed light on green tea's usefulness as a medicinal supplement.

� The health benefits of drinking green tea every day are more than just about losing weight. It boosts your immune system and can help with conditions as varied as heart disease and tooth decay.


� Weight loss is not as dramatic as with other diets, however green tea is easily combined with other diets to give your weight-loss regime a boost.

� You might not like green tea, but you can always buy the capsules, instead.

� Some dieters may have trouble sleeping as their caffeine intake is increased. If you're caffeine sensitive, don't drink it in the evening.

Thermojetics Instant Herbal Beverage contains specially selected herbal extracts.
Green Tea Extract (Camellia sinensis) - well-researched and shown to be rich in polyphenol antioxidant nutrients; contributes to a general feeling of well-being. Whilst Green Tea contains caffeine, generally tea contains one third less caffeine per cup than coffee.

The perfect beverage -Instant Herbal Beverage is delicious and refreshing hot or cold. Combining ancient herbal wisdom with modern day ingenuity, this beverage contributes to your well-being and helps support normal vitality. Visit our site http://www.getinshapeforlife.com/2/product.php?product_id=29 to learn more about the benefits of drinking green tea.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat loss products that will help you lose the weight you strive to lose :

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsThere are so many weight loss products on the market right now that promise quick and easy weigh loss that is can be quite tricky to decide which one is going to be best for you.

There are products that offer to block every single carb that you eat, to diet pills that will suppress your appetite and make you want to eat less food rather than more food.

When it comes to fat loss products and choosing the right one for you, it is best to try a few products here and there and see which one is going to work for you.

Read reviews and talk to friends or even your doctor to find out which weight loss product is going to work for you. Once you have a good idea about which one to try, give it a shot, and see what it can do for you.

Because there are so many different types of products our there for you to take a stab at, you need to be kind of picky. Look at the ingredients that each product has to offer, look for a fat burner ingredient called ephedra.

Ephedra is the best type of fat burner out there, and it will be essential to your weight loss process. This ingredient actually gets your metabolism to move a little bit quicker, which will then allow you to burn more fat at a faster rate.

Ephedra is a stimulant product, which aids in fat burning and energy, and if you are not looking for a fat burner that has a stimulant, then maybe you should look into a product that is stimulant free.

There are many products that are stimulant free out there on the market, and while they might not be as effective, they are still considered to be safer.

Then there are the carb blocker products that will actually block a certain amount of carbs that you intake on a daily basis. These products have excellent results when it comes to losing weight. You can also take a carb blocker with another weight loss product that you might have your eye on, and you will still be on the safe side.

If you are looking into purchasing a weight loss product, you will have plenty of choices to choose from. The first thing you just need to decide is what kind you want to use, and how you want to use it. Make sure that you talk to your doctor or your friends that have used products in the past.

This will help you when it comes to picking out your weight loss product. Take the time to do your research, and learn about what is out there; decide if you want a stimulant type product or a non stimulant type product. The choice is up to you!Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Fat loss tips that can fit into anyone�s lifestyle!:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsWhen it comes to losing weight, it can get quite tiring, and somewhat annoying, especially if your weight loss process is going along slowly.

There are so many fat loss tips out there right now that go along with diets that promise to help you lose weight; it is hard to decide what is best for you.

But with a little bit of light digging around, here are a few tips that can help you to get the results in your weight loss journey.

When it comes to losing weight, the best thing that you can do, and the best tip that you can find is to increase your protein intake. Everyone knows this simple tip, but what they may not know is that you should be eating a serving of protein every three to four hours.

This does not mean that you have to eat a piece of chicken or turkey every few hours, drink a light protein shake. You can take them to work, and drink them throughout the day. This way you will be getting your protein, and burning your calories as well!

The amount of carbs that you eat on a daily basic need to be exceptionally decreased when it comes to losing a good amount of weight. Make sure that you get rid of the bad fats, and replace those bad fats with good fats full of Omega 3, and flax seed oil.

The world of dieting and can be tough for anyone and it is easy to get caught up in all of the pills and schemes that come with dieting. When you are searching for various weight loss tips, the best thing for you is to keep it as simple as you possibly can.

If you choose a simple diet it is going to be easier to stick to that diet rather than fall off the wagon.

The last thing that you will need to be to be successful with your diet, is to have a regular work out plan. Not every work out plan is going to be right for everyone, so if you can find a work out that you can do on a daily basis that is not going to be too tough to follow then you will be in pretty good shape.

A 30 minute work out that is carried out three to four times a week is going to give you good weight loss results.

All of these fat loss tips are going to be crucial in helping you lose weight. Each tip plays an essential role in your goal to lose weight.

Eat a healthy diet, and replace those fatty meals, with protein rich meals, and work on constructing a manageable work out plan every week.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

How to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight - Discover the Top Two Motivators Researchers Have Found:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsIt is sometimes hard to stay motivated when trying to lose weight but the problem has a simple solution - feed off of the things that truly inspire you. Researchers have shed light on what does and does not motivate you to drop old behaviors and replace them with new.

What Does Not Effectively Motivate You?

Knowledge -- In the past it was thought that if you had sufficient information you would understand the need for change and do it, however research shows that knowing facts does not make you change. Most of us know the benefits of a good diet and the hazards that come from a bad one, yet it does not motivate us to change.

Fear Tactics -- Dr. Edward Miller from Johns Hopkins University followed heart patients after they had bypass surgery. He found that many of the patients could avoid repeat surgery - and prevent prematurely dying from their disease - by switching to a healthier lifestyle. Yet very few did. In fact, two years post-surgery, 90% had not changed at all.

Dr. Dean Ornish who studied this phenomenon in seriously ill heart patients said, "Doctors had been trying to motivate patients mainly with the fear of death, and that simply wasn't working. For a few weeks after a heart attack, patients were scared enough to do whatever their doctors said. But death was just too frightening to think about, so their denial would return, and they'd go back to their old ways."

What Does Motivate You?

The Promise of a Positive Result - Focusing on the joy of living proves to be a better motivator for change than fear. This involves being convinced that you can feel better, not just live longer, allowing you to enjoy the things that make life a joy to live, such as walking pain-free, enjoying social events, and being able to participate in fun activities.

Rapid Improvement - This is a powerful motivator and studies show that radical, sweeping and complete changes are often easier for people than small ones. Moderate changes can cause you to feel deprived because you are making restrictions, yet you aren't getting big enough changes to notice a difference in how you feel, or look.


Motivation to stick to your diet will depend on how well you control your mindset. By staying focused on the many benefits you will get from losing weight you will find it easier to continue moving toward your goal. And motivation does not come from trying to learn more about dieting or eating healthy; motivation comes from taking action.

If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how? Click on this link for my free audio recording Change Your Thoughts - Lose Weight.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots