Your favorite holiday foods can actually be healthy. Without the skin, turkey is very lean. Gravy can be made without the additional fat. Potatoes can be healthy if you leave out the butter. Even desserts like pumpkin pie are nutritious if you do not add the whipped cream.
The holiday season can be busier than the rest of the year, but exercise is still important and possible to fit in. Burning off extra calories will keep extra weight off during the holidays. Little things help such as walking after meals, take a few extra laps around the mall while you shop and park further away from store entrances to get extra bits of walking in. And don't forget those holiday parties can be a great chance to exercise - enjoy the music and dance it up!
At family dinners and holiday parties you do not have to deny yourself from eating foods you enjoy. Just don't go overboard. Figure out what you will eat before the dinner or party and stick to your decision. Fill up on fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low fat dressings and have small portions of your favorite fattening foods. To keep from overindulging at a family meal or party have a snack before hand so you don't arrive ravenous and eat without thinking.
To best maintain your control, avoid alcohol if you can. Drinking too much alcohol will add extra calories plus it is easy to lose your will power with food. Instead drink as much water as you can. Water will help you feel fuller (often people think they are hungry when in fact they are just thirsty) and keep you from binging. Eggnog is definitely a holiday treat to keep in moderation. One glass can have up to 300 calories.
Don't beat yourself up or throw in the towel if you do overindulge. One day or meal won't ruin your diet. Keep a good balance - don't under eat to "save" calories for a big food day. Try to eat as regularly as possible and use these tips for healthy holiday eating and you'll find that you can keep holiday weight gain from happening to you.
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