What I like to call the "slow burn" diet-modest calorie reduction accomplished through healthy eating, possibly some light exercise mandated, focus on fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, chicken, etc. These diets work well, but they are slow; you are lucky if you lose 3-5 pounds per month.
� Extreme calorie reduction, such as fasting or eating nothing but salad. I call this "better living through starvation." You do lose weight this way, but most of it tends to be water weight, and that weight often comes back with a vengeance when the diet ends.
� The "miracle cure" diet-typically centered around one food or one type of nutrient. Last month it was protein, this month it's cabbage soup, next month it'll be peanut butter... my hope is we get a chocolate chip cookie diet soon. These diets can work, sometimes, if the underlying principles are sound, but they're mostly gimmicks. Human beings have been getting along just fine with balanced diets for thousands of years. The big secret to fast weight loss isn't going to be found at the bottom of a peanut butter jar.
� Finally, there is a class of diets called "calorie shifting diets"-these are the best type of diet for fast weight loss if you want to actually keep that weight off.
Calorie shifting works by structuring your meals based on the body's metabolic principles. In other words, you will eat certain types of foods at certain times of the day and week, in a manner designed to increase your metabolism. When your metabolism goes up, you burn calories and lose weight faster-no matter what you're doing.
Calorie shifting diets are the newest entry to the array of plans out there and are based on cutting-edge research. There aren't too many diet plans that really take full advantage of this technique yet, but one very effective one is FatLoss4Idiots FatLoss4Idiots offers results in only 11 days and also offers a money-back guarantee, so it's hard to go wrong with it.
The author, Aaron Patterson, went from couch potato to kickboxer in less than a year! His favorite passion is helping people get off their butts and start leading healthier, more active lives through his Website, Eliminate the Weight. Fat Loss Diets
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