Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Weight loss: Does drinking water affects the process? :

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsMost of us are very sceptical about the fact that water can play an effective role when you want to lose weight. A few of us realize that most of our body is made of water and therefore water plays an important role in our existence. A lean muscle tissue consists of 75% of water. 80% of blood is water. Body fat and bones consist of 20% of water. It is then not surprising that water plays a very important role in the functioning of our bodies.

I know what you are thinking now. Drink a lot of water when I want to lose weight. Unfortunately you are so wrong. Drinking water alone is not going to help you lose weight. If you want to lose weight successful, then the three basic components of natural weight loss are eating right, drinking right and exercise right.

Let us start with these three components.

1) Eating right.

Always remember that you get good fats and bad fats. Obviously are the bad fats the main culprit which causes excess weight. The good fats on the other hand will provide your body with the essential fatty acids that will help to regulate your blood pressure, prevent blood from clotting and lower the risk of heart failure. Make sure you eat enough salmon, mackerel and sardines. They all contain good fats.

Make sure you eat enough good proteins as well. The good proteins will help you to suppress cravings for other food. They are also essential in building muscles. You will find all the good proteins in products such as skimmed milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and fish.

Your good carbohydrates are beans, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. They are consumed by the body slowly and therefore they are your natural hunger suppressants. They are also moderate on fats and calories.

Good fibre foods do not supply many calories and they are filling. That is why they are also a natural hunger suppressant. The body cannot digest fibre and while it passing through the digestive system it attaches to some of the fats and proteins. These fats and proteins are taken out of the system with the fibre without being digested. You will find good fibres in apples, figs, strawberries, brown rice, beans, bran and nuts. Make sure you eat sufficient fibre food.

2) Drinking right.

Water plays two important roles in helping you to lose weight. When the body dehydrates, cravings for food are then felt. If water is consumed in a reasonable and sufficient measure it will then suppresses hunger pangs. Stored fats for energy are provided by the liver. Water helps metabolism by allowing the kidneys to flush out waste. Drinking cold water is better for weight loss. You will find it surprising that drinking cold water can burn extra fat in the body. Ice cold water uses more than 60 calories a day from the body. The body has to burn over 420 calories a week to raise the temperature of the ice cold water to the body temperature. What an easy way to get rid of all that excess fat!

3) Exercise right.

The most ideal and healthy weight loss programs are something that you love to do. Or it is something that you must do on a daily basis for 30 to 60 minutes. In short it is something that will make you better and slim. The bottom line is you must enjoy doing it. It does not mean that you must now do regular workouts. It is all about doing something that make you move and rejoice. Playing golf for example can be a good means to cut down considerable weight. But do not use a golf cart.

Just carry out some moving activity on a daily basis. If you unable to prepare a workout plan, then simply do something at home. Woking in the garden or cut the lawn for an hour a day will burn enough calories to cut down considerable weight. In doing something that you enjoy you will bond with it easier for a longer period.

These are the three basic components that effective weight loss consists of. Follow them and you will see for yourself that weight loss is not that difficult at all. You can discover your full physical potential.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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