Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Age Is Just A Number:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsNo one will question the fact that our bodies change as we get older and fat is stored in all the places we don't want it to. When we were young we didn't have to worry about this so much.

The fact is, the metabolism slows down and the digestive system doesn't work as well as it used to. It just can't operate in 100% mode.

Hormonal changes in the body are also a factor that can affect the shape that you are in but there is one thing that always remains the same at all ages. If you eat too much of that delicious food and consume too much alcohol, you will gain weight. Especially at your older age.

So many people use their age as an excuse for being over weight and I've even heard of women saying that they are fat because they just had a baby...and all the while they gave birth years ago. That is not an excuse anyway.

Lifestyles influence and create the body we have to lug around everyday. We have to live with that body no matter what condition its in...so why not make it a good condition. Poor lifestyles are magnified as we get older because the terrible abuse that we have been making our bodies go through.

The poor food choices throughout our lifetime accumulates with disgusting fat and other, many times life-threatening, health related problems all due to less than poor nutrition.

You can and definitely should expect to keep your fat percentage at an optimal level throughout your life...but I know it is hard. Been there myself.

The health benefits from doing this will reward you and pay dividends by ensuring a better quality of life and reduced dependence of medications and other health related issues.

At any stage in your life time, no matter how old you think you are, you can benefit from improving your lifestyle with better nutrition and exercise.

You should apply anything that will help reduce your daily stress to help you focus on the more important things...your health. That's right, stress can also make you fat. Did you ever hear of emotional eating?

Try starting an exercise program and start taking care of yourself, not only for you but for those around you who love you and want to see you live out your years far beyond expected.

It's never too late to start something especially when it involves your health. Its time to turn back your body clock and make yourself feel like you are young again. Remember the old days...its time to bring them back.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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