Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Are You Supposed To Be Fat?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsHave you struggled with your weight for so long that you can't remember a time when it wasn't an issue in your life? Has being overweight become your norm? Is it part of your identity? If you would like this to change you must start asking yourself some different questions, it is no longer enough to ask yourself, "How do I lose this weight?" You must start asking yourself, "Who would I be without this weight problem?"

Who would I be if I didn't fawn over chocolate? Who would I be if my jeans fit comfortably every time I put them on? What would I do with my evenings if I wasn't focused on resisting the urge to snack? Who would I be if I didn't struggle with my weight?

These questions might seem strange but if you have lost weight in the past only to regain it there is a very strong possibility that you are uncomfortable as a thin person. Being thin might conflict with who you are "supposed" to be. If you were "the heavy kid" in high school who then lost weight later in life you might feel that your new body no longer matches "who you are". This internal conflict can subconsciously make you want to put the weight back on so your inner and outer image match.

So are you supposed to be fat? Would it be wrong for you to be the thin daughter; the thin friend; or the thin co-worker? Would being that truer more authentic version of yourself seem more uncomfortable than being who you are now?

Your body is your perfect companion; it does what ever your thoughts tell it to do. If your thoughts tell it to stay fat because that is who you are supposed to be then that is the instruction your body will follow. But, if you learn to accept yourself as a thin person then your body will allow that to become your reality.

How do you do this? It isn't hard but it will take repetition and acceptance. You must start telling yourself, "I accept myself as a thin person." and you must tell yourself this over and over and over again until you start to see evidence as to why it will be okay to be thin. I like to tell people to repeat this phrase 21 times a day for 21 days, at that point you should start to see how being thin and staying thin can be a possibility in your life.

You are not "supposed" to be anyone other than who you are. By getting in touch with your authentic self you can stop battling to lose weight and ironically you will shed those stubborn pounds that you have been clinging to.

If you've tried diet and exercise but have had difficulty sticking with your plan then you will benefit from my FREE Report Think and Grow Thin! Get your free copy by visiting FREE HELP.
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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