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Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Create a SMART Weight Loss Goal - 5 Steps to Dramatically Improve Your Weight Loss Results:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsIt is not enough to simply set a goal to lose weight, that type of goal is too vague. It is not clearly defined and it doesn't give you a target to aim for. Let me ask you this, if you were shooting an arrow at a target would you want to be able to clearly see the target in front of you? Of course you would, by creating a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-Sensitive you bring that goal into view and dramatically increase your chances of hitting it.

This article walks you step-by-step through a process you can follow to create a SMART goal that is easy to hit.

1. Make Your Goal Specific
If you set out to just lose some weight you will not get very far. Your goal must be specific, for example, "On January, 1st 2009 I will weight 155 pounds." This gives you a specific weight and to shoot for with a clear date of completion.

2. Your Goal Must Be Measurable
You can measure your weight loss goal in many ways. The most obvious way is to use the bathroom scale but you can also measure your progress with a tape measure to see how many inches you lost or by what size clothing you are fitting into.

3. Your Goal Must Be Achievable
Take into account how quickly you have lost weight in the past, how hectic your next few weeks or months will be and pick a goal that will push you into action yet still be attainable.

4. Make Your Goal Realistic
We live in a society that likes instant gratification and fast results and this is fine but be sure and check your goal to be certain it is realistic.

5. Make Your Goal Time-Sensitive
You don't want to leave your goal open-ended. Create a date for when you want to reach your goal. This provides motivation and spurs you into action.

Be SMART in your goal setting by following these 5 simple rules and you will feel more in control, stay highly motivated and get better results.

If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how? Click on this link for my free audio recording Change Your Thoughts - Lose Weight.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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