Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Thursday, 1 January 2009

Do Diets Really Work?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsIt seems as if just about everyone has tried a diet or weight loss plan at one time or another - and it also seems that every time you turn around, there's another new diet that promises results with very little effort - there are and have been some crazy fad diets floating around...the popcorn & ice cream diet, the soup diet, the sardine diet, the hot dog diet, and now there's.... the cookie diet !!!

Some popular diets today are: the South Beach diet, the Zone diet, the Atkins diet, Macrobiotics, Weight Watchers, Raw Foods, Life Choice....etc. and they promise to deliver - if you can stay with it to the letter.

But the question is: do any of these diets really work ? If some of these popular, highly advertised diet plans do achieve the weight loss promised, why do so many dieters tend to re-gain their weight back, and more times than not, why do they eventually end up gaining back more weight than when they started on the diet?

From experience, I can tell you this: these diets are not made for everyone - if every person who wanted to lose weight all went on the same diet, it would work for some, and not for others. Everyone has a different metabolism, different systemic needs, different digestion - every person is an individual with a body system that is different in some way from every other person.

Now these popular diet plan promoters want you to believe that everyone who is really motivated to lose weight, should choose their special _____________( fill in the blank ) diet, and they will lose weight and succeed !!! And of course, they show you numerous "before and after" photos to convince you that their diet is the only one that really works, and that you too will soon be thin and attractive...

Many people have had success with low carb and other popular diets. On the other hand, many others fail on these diets, as not every diet is for every person. Some diet-educated people actually make up their own personalized diet and this works for them...but in most cases, losing weight requires guidance, discipline, and life style changes which a good diet guide or diet plan can provide.

So, if you need to lose weight, do some research and learn all that you can before starting on any diet. Look it up online and check out the successes - and the side effects... Consult your doctor - take the diet information with you and ask questions.

In my own experience with dieting I learned Rule # 1 about weight loss: If you take in more calories than you burn off every day, you will gain weight. If you burn off more calories than you take in, you will lose weight - sounds simple and it is, but even this rule has it's own rules... a starvation diet of 1,000 calories a day will eventually put your system on "hold" - you won't lose any more weight, as your body thinks it's starving, and will "hold on" to any calorie it can get for survival. Eventually, you will eat - and gain.

I have personally found that a balanced diet combined with different forms of exercise - 2 to 3 hours a week works best for me - but many people don't have the time to exercise 2 to 3 hours or more...

As mentioned above, it's best to do the research on any diet that you are interested in first, and then make an educated decision for yourself.

* For More Information about Diets, Dieting and Weight Loss,

Please Visit My FREE Diet and Weight Loss Information Website

at: http://best-infosite.com/dietinfo

Happy Dieting !!!Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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