3 questions you should be asking yourself:
#1 Am I ready to lose weight?
Losing weight should be a change for life, rather than a quick fix solution.
So, you need to ask yourself, "Am I ready to change my behaviour?"
If you enter into weight loss half heartedly you may end up quitting early on, and rather than seeing it for what it is, you'll end up blame yourself for your lack of willpower.
#2 Have I made a commitment to losing weight?
If you are ready to lose weight, you now need to commit to doing everything possible to achieve your goals.
I'd suggest writing about your goals in a weight loss journal, as this creates a sense of accountability, and will help you stick with the plan long-term.
#3 Do I have a plan of how I'm going to lose weight?
A common mistake is to haphazardly enter into weight loss, trying one diet after another, but never really sticking to anything long enough to get results.
Has this been you in the past?
To create your plan for successful weight loss you need to ask:
a) What are my weight loss goals?
Write about this in your journal, then choose one or two small goals to place your focus on, such as:
"I want to eat more veggies"
"I want to lose 8 pounds"
b) When will I reassess my goals?
The time frame you set will depend on whatever goals you've set, but you may want to reassess each week, fortnight, or once a month - it's up to you.
At this time you should ask yourself:
Are my goals still appropriate?
Do I need to set new goals to move forward?
How will I reward my success?
You should focus on making one or two small changes at a time, and allow your new habits to become ingrained before you attempt to change anything else.
Please remember, it took years to get to where you are right now, so it will take time to move away from your current habits.
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