This article shows you how to throw away all the complicated tricks and just eat sensibly to lose weight. By using your normal everyday dinner plate as your dieting guide you will be able to eat anywhere, whether you are at home alone or at a social gathering with complete confidence that you are making the right choices for weight loss success.
Here is how you do it�
Take your ordinary dinner plate and draw an imaginary line through the middle of it giving the plate an upper and lower half. Fill the upper half of your plate with vegetables. Now take the lower half of the plate and divide it. On the left lower quarter of your plate put a protein choice (meat, fish, chicken, etc.) and on the right lower quarter put a carbohydrate choice (rice, oats, pasta, potato, etc).
You will do this for each of your three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner; if you prefer you can substitute fruit for the veggies at breakfast.
That is what goes on your plate now let's consider how much to put on your plate. For portion control you are going to use a simple estimation process. Your protein portion should be roughly the size of the palm of your hand both in size and thickness. Your carbohydrate portion should be the size of your cupped hand. Note most restaurants serve super-sized portions. The vegetables on the top half of your plate can be unlimited so fill up or have seconds on the vegetables.
By keeping your diet plan simple you will find that you focus less on food, provide your body with proper nutrition and lose weight. So avoid the complicated world of dieting by following the visual plate plan.
If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how? Click on this link for my free audio recording Change Your Thoughts - Lose Weight.
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.
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