Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Why Do I Overeat? Discover the Reason and Fix the Problem:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsWhen you overeat on a consistent basis you can begin to worry that you are controlled by food. Try as hard as you might you can't seem to stop once you start. It is frustrating and without an explanation of what might be going on the problem escalates. But I want to reassure you that there is nothing wrong with you, in fact the problem might be as simple as the fact that you enjoy eating and hate to see it end.

Let me explain this further...

Let's say you love potato chips and you grab a handful to snack on. As you are eating the chips you are enjoying the experience immensely but as you look down you notice that this wonderful experience will end as soon as you eat that last chip. Your enjoyment is now tainted by an underlying feeling of disappointment. When that last chip is gone you have what feels like an uncontrollable urge to grab more chips but in reality you are not out of control you are simply disappointed that the wonderful experience of eating a favorite food has ended. What you will be tempted to do next is try to avoid that disappointment by grabbing another handful. Of course by eating more chips you are only delaying the inevitable let down because eventually you will have to stop eating chips.

Food does not control you, it can't, its just food. What is really happening is that you are dealing with disappointment. This knowledge puts you in control of food, you can choose to not eat the first chip and avoid the disappointment all together or you can eat only a few chips and stop - you will have to deal with disappointment whether you stop after 2 or 20, the choice is yours.

Losing weight takes commitment and dedication but it also requires a clear understanding of how your thoughts influence your behaviors. When you are feeling out of control around food and you are tempted to overeat slow down for a moment and remember that your thoughts about the situation are driving your desire to overeat. By tuning in to your thoughts and feelings you will gain the understand that will allow you to control your "need" to overeat.

If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how? Click on this link for my free audio recording Change Your Thoughts - Lose Weight.

Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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