Did you know that losses in lean muscle mass will lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your total daily calorie burning. This means that everyday you will be burning less and less calories which will put you at a much greater risk of putting on ugly, unwanted body fat during the holidays.
Plus, losing strength will mean that the next time you start to work out your performance will not be what you are expecting and you'll start on a path of regression, which OBVIOUSLY isn't what you want to experience.
Make sure to use the strategies below to maintain and/or increase your current amount of lean muscle mass and maximize your daily calorie burn to best protect yourself against the deadly holiday bloat!
#1 ---> Perform at least ONE strength training workout a week
� Studies have shown that having at least ONE resistance workout a week when you are not fully adhering to your workout routine will help you maintain your muscle strength and lean tissues. To best prevent weight gain, of course, try to shoot for the standard 3, but one is WAY better than none!
#2 ---> Hit your Mark!
� If your goal is to do 50 squats during your normal workout but you don't have the time, just spread it out. 50 throughout the day is better than 5 done b/c you ran out of time. Break your workout routine up throughout the day if you need to, just make sure to complete your plan of attack!
#3 ---> Head Outdoors to switch it up!
� Take the chance and head outdoors to get a change of scenery and see what a difference the outdoors can do for your performance. Stop using the weather as an excuse and MAKE IT HAPPEN! Make some snow angels, build a snowman or even go sledding. Workout outdoors can change up your intensity, but in a good way. Kids don't wear themselves out by doing nothing. Running through the snow or on a windy day can kick your butt, trust me!
#4 ---> Revolt against the machines (yeah, I said R-E-V-O-L-T !!!)
� It kills me to see people chained to machines, doing the same boring workout day in and day out. I sometimes wonder what would happen if the gym was closed down for some freak emergency for a week, what the hell would they do?!?! Would they improvise or take the week off? It really makes me think of the hamster in the wheel. Ask yourself, does he ever lose weight doing the same damn thing? Yeah, I didn't think so either!
Using these tips can help ensure that you head into the New Year with loose pants, instead of splitting them from the extra weight you gained by taking the MONTH off. Why do that to yourself? Stay consistent and be rewarded for maintaining instead of gaining!
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