As you are well aware, compulsive eating sabotages your efforts to lose weight. To stop compulsive eating you must get a handle on your tendency to eat in response to emotions. Long-term weight loss is only achieved by forming new habits including proper diet and exercise. There is no magic bullet. If this discourages you, it is only because of an underlying lack of faith in yourself and in your ability to devise a plan and live by it. Consciously or otherwise, you believe you will fail. It is this belief that is at the heart of your weight problem, and to stop compulsive eating it is this belief that you must change. When you consider how to stop compulsive eating, think of the guilt you subject yourself to when you eat to escape. You are only adding to your weight and to other health problems when you indulge that desire to eat, and that need to momentarily squelch your discontent. Imagine if there was only a plan laid out before you that included meal times and grocery lists and basic tasks to increase your activity level. Each time you went grocery shopping as planned, each time you ate at the prescribed time, and each time you went for a walk you would add to your level of self-confidence knowing that you were taking a step in the right direction. It is this new confidence that in turn leads to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle. It is this lifestyle change that is the key to how to stop compulsive eating.
There is a weight-loss plan readily available on the internet that has been sorely underrated by that great majority of its promoters. It goes by the name of Strip That Fat and it is tailored especially well to compulsive eaters. It includes basic exercises that can be easily incorporated into daily life, as well as a meal planner and automatic grocery list generator. This is precisely the tool you need to lay a plan out before yourself in order to stop compulsive eating and to illuminate the steps to your weight-loss goal. Give yourself the confidence to succeed and forge your customized weight-loss plan with Strip That Fat.
Best Wishes,
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