Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Saturday, 27 December 2008

What Is The Japanese Morning Banana Diet and Does It Work? Nurse's Guide:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsOne of the newest fad diets is the Japanese morning banana diet, which is all the rage in Japan. It has even been causing a shortage of bananas in some regions. Now it has caught on in the US and many people who want to lose weight are stocking up on bananas.

What is the Japanese morning banana diet? For breakfast you can eat as many bananas as you want along with warm water. Then you don't eat anything else until it's lunchtime. For lunch you can eat anything you want, it could be pizza, a hamburger and French fries. Then in the middle of the afternoon you could have a snack of anything you want. Then for dinner you could have anything you want but you have to eat before 8 PM. Then have nothing to eat before bedtime. And bedtime has to be before midnight.

No one seems to know for sure how or if the Japanese banana diet works. It could be because the bananas make you feel full. The bananas have a lot of fiber so they tend to make you feel like you have had enough to eat.

Gorging on a few bananas at one sitting is probably not a good idea as eating too many can raise your blood sugar and that can be a problem if you are diabetic or prediabetic and haven't been diagnosed.

So one of the problems is you can gorge yourself at lunch and dinner and eat as many calories as you want, which may be more fat and calories than you are eating now. And many people who usually eat a lot of sweets in the evening may actually lose weight.

Or if you are one of those people who snacks a lot in the afternoon and are limited to one snack and now can't eat any snacks in the evening, you may lose weight and unwanted belly fat .

The Japanese morning banana diet doesn't explain why you are to drink warm water at breakfast. Perhaps it's to help with digestion or to replace hot coffee or hot tea that you might normally drink. And some people do drink warm water in the morning anyway.

The Japanese morning banana diet frenzy started when it was reported that a well known Japanese actress said she lost 25 pounds on it.

Bananas have wonderful health benefits. They are full of nutritional energy. Bananas, besides having a lot of fiber, contain protein and fat.

They are comprised of 76% water, 20% sugar, 12% starch, many vitamins and phytonutrients and have a lot of fiber. As for minerals they are high in potassium and also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, copper and manganese.

But just like the cabbage soup diet and the grapefruit diet, bananas by themselves cannot work miracles.

Best weight loss tip: The best natural way to lose weight, lose pounds and lose inches and also the fast way to lose weight is with plant foods, of which bananas are one. Eating lots of fresh raw fruits including bananas, and raw vegetables along with some nuts and seeds and plenty of pure filtered water will cause you to lose weight fast and enjoy all the health benefits that come with it. Eating raw foods, also called living foods, can be a lifetime diet. The Japanese morning banana diet is just another fad diet that not only may disappoint but cause health problems you don't want.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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