One thing that you, as a new mommy, must have is ENERGY. And the best way to get this energy just so happens to be the very best way to Trim Down After Pregnancy. It's a little thing called "metabolism stoking." It works, ladies. And it works extremely well! Guess what else... it's one of the easiest, most satisfying things you'll ever do.
It starts with FOOD! And I'm not talking rice cakes and cream cheese, here. We're talking stick to your bones, get your belly full meals! Salmon, chicken, avocados, veggies, seafood, beans, rice, even some desserts here and there.
You'll enjoy lots of delicious, hunger-stifling fare, both prepared and consumed in a way that will trim your body, jumpstart your energy and sense of well-being, and contribute to your overall health in a way that will transform you into one heck of a role model for your little one.
So what do I mean by prepared and consumed? Let's look at each one individually.
When you prepare your food correctly, you'll do so with as few chemical additives as possible. You'll also use ingredients which are natural, meaning things that haven't been processed to the point of empty, nutritionally devoid calorie content. The big three are sugar, white flour, and table salt. These wreak havoc on your body and will slow your metabolism to a screeching halt.
Also, where possible, substitute extra virgin olive oil or flax seed oil for vegetable oil, margarine, or butter. What about lard or bacon grease? Okay, just making sure you're paying attention! Steam or bake your dishes, as opposed to frying them.
Remember when you were a little girl and were told to eat your vegetables? Well, if ever there was an ideal time to heed that advice, now is that time!
So how should you consume your meals? Well if you're like me and love to eat, you're going to be smitten with this little tidbit: EAT OFTEN! You read me right, ladies! Have a moderately portioned (to the point of satisfaction, not over-stuffed) meal five times a day. Have snacks, too. As long as you're eating the right kinds of food, this consistent regimen will continually stoke your metabolism, fueling it to its potential.
"When your metabolism is fully stoked and burning hot, fat will literally melt off your body like butter!"
Another key factor in regaining your cute, pre-baby shape very, very quickly is supplementation. And from what I've seen, nothing works as quickly, naturally, or as healthfully as the Brazilian Acai Berry. If you were to ask Dr. Perricone, Oprah Winfrey, or Rachel Ray, they would tell you the same.
If you Click Here Now, you may be able to take advantage of an incredible FREE Acai Berry Select promotion! Hopefully, it's not too late!
Again, congratulations on your new one! If you'd like more info and resources, feel free to Follow This Link. Thank you for reading.
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