Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Friday, 26 December 2008

Foods Which Speed Up The Metabolism - How To Get More Energy And Shake Off Those Pounds!:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsIf you want to get rid of those pounds, or gain some lean muscle, you need to kick-start that metabolism! Here are some great ways to get you there:

Spicy Foods

Ever remember eating a hot jalapenos pizza, and huffing and puffing with your eyes bulging out of your head? As your mouth gets set on fire, so is your heart, which sets your metabolism going on haywire! Start adding some fresh or dried chillis to your favourite dishes, or spice things up a bit with black or cayenne pepper. Watch how many curries you order though - they've still got a lot of calories!

Chewy Foods

No doubt you've heard the phrase 'Eating a pice of celery burns more calories than it gives' - well this is actually true! The best part is, there are many more items besides 'rabbit food' which you can leverage in exactly the same way. All kinds of greens (like spinach, lettuce, cabbage etc.) are fantastic, plus you get the added benefit of them being packed with vitamins and minerals. Be sure to eat plenty of raw fruit and vegetables as well - just remember that the more chewing you have to do, the faster your metabolism goes and the more fat you can burn! If you're not a vegetarian, you can also take advantage of meat providing exactly the same benefit. In fact, any food high in protein is an awesome metolism-booster, and like vegetables they provide extra work for your digestive system (= more burned calories!).

*Don't go piling on the packs of chewing gum though - you don't want to be choosing foods which speed up the metabolism but overload your body with sugar!

Sour Foods

Another great group of foods which speed up the metabolism are sour ones - just think how much your body is working when you screw your face up after sucking on a lemon! Why not add a couple of grapefruits to your weekly diet as well, or a squeeze of lemon juice in your tea instead of milk. Try experimenting with lime juice in your cooking as well - the possiblilies are endless.

More Great Foods Which Speed Up The Metabolism

Grean tea has been well known for boosting your fat-loss, and since it's loaded with antioxidants and is caffine free, it's no bad deal for your body. Did you know that drinking water actually boosts your metabolism as well? Furthermore, since it has zero calories, you're effectively hyper-charging your fat-loss for free! Try to get at least half a gallon of pure water each and every day. Other great foods to skyrocket your circulation are: beans and legumes, oats, egg whites, and whole grain bread and cereals. Anything with lots of fibre (like beans) or complex carbohydrates (fruits and veg) is always a good choice. Foods with lots of nutrients on the whole are also better for speedung up the metabolism than processed or packaged ones.

Click here for more great ways to boost your metabolism, plus an inexaustable supply of tips for firing up that fat loss!
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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