If you answered yes to either of these questions this article is for you. Through research, we have uncovered the top weight loss tips that reveal results and will keep your motivation in line as you continue your journey to a happier, healthier and sexier you.
The most important thing for you to keep in mind while you are working on yourself is you need to want this. You can not lose weight and get in shape for anyone other than you. You need to be sure that this is exactly what you want to do and be committed to a new lifestyle.
Do not look for the easy way out. Although the temptation is there, you should work hard for what you want with everything in life. It is proven that a person that struggles for what they want often continue to cherish it once they get it. The same seems to be true with weight loss. Here are the tips to help you in becoming the new you:
� Start off by getting yourself a notebook. Keep this with you at all times. On the first few pages of the notebook you should write down the reasons you want to lose weight. There are no wrong reasons. Here are a few reasons to help you get started.
1. More energy
2. Look better in jeans
3. Improve health
4. Keep up with children
� Don't put away that notebook yet, you're not done with it. Everything you eat daily should be logged in the notebook. More often than not people forget or don't realize how much they eat daily. Having the notebook to track your daily consumption will keep you aware at all times. This often works much better than calorie counting.
� Watch what you eat, make your portions smaller. You can still eat real food, just healthier. Include steamed vegetables into your meals instead of canned ones. For a snack munch on some carrot sticks or celery sticks. There are many healthy snacks that are just as filling as a brownie.
� Exercising should be done daily. No you do not have to go workout at the gym and weight train for 2 hours a day until your muscles are screaming at you. Brisk walking, swimming or even bike riding is exercising. You can do any type of exercising that makes your body temperature rise. Why? When your temperature rises it is your body's way of telling you it is working and morking hard.
� Eat at least three meals a day, preferably 4-5 small meals a day. Never skip a meal. By skipping a meal you are actually confusing your body instead of helping it to burn fat. Your body will hold on to the fat to use later because it does not know when the body will be given nutrition again to make energy. Eating regularly keeps your body on the same page as you with weight loss.
The top weight loss tips provided here are only examples of the many that are available. However, these were specifically put together to help you lose the weight you want without having to spend a lot of money on specialty foods or expensive diet plans. Following these tips will help you in achieving the weight loss you are seeking.
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