With all the advertising mediums shoving this concept down our throats, it's accepted to eat more and get the "full" feeling.
Being "full" with empty calories is the path to health and disease complications down the road.
We have all heard and know the main complication from eating too much junk food. Complications such as: Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity to name a few. Take obesity for example, there are many complications a person can get due to being over weight: Gallstones, Cancer, diabetes, restrictive lung disease, sleep apnea, hypertension, arthritis and gastrointestinal disorders. And we all know about the obesity problem with our children these days.
It's hard to change eating patterns and habits when you've been raised and bombarded by advertisements on burgers, pizza, fried foods, soda, candy and ice cream.
One of the most important factors to achieving your goal starts with self talk. Thoughts precede moods and if you tell yourself negative things then guess what, you'll get negative results and put yourself in a "down", or negative mood. All day long we are constantly talking to ourselves and that talk must be positive.
"Triggers" are what you should be very aware of, a "trigger" is when you're aware that you're about to do something negative (say put some food in your mouth) and you set off a triggered thought (self talk) and tell yourself "don't do it", or "stop", etc. The more positive self talk you give yourself all day long, the better chances you'll have of listening to yourself and getting the results you want. The more you do this the easier it will get.
Take a 3 x 5" index card and write on it " NO SWEETS" "NO FRIED FOOD" "NO SODA" and carry it with you at all times.
If you eat some junk food, follow up by eating something healthy, a big glass of water (to help flush your system), a handful of grapes (red, dark), some raisins, handful of fresh spinach.
You must constantly be talking to yourself and telling yourself not to eat junk foods!
You can change your current eating habits and you must if you want to live longer and healthier.
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