Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Help Your Partner Lose Weight - Do You Think I Am Fat?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsThe dreaded question that both men and women face at least once in every relationship, for those lucky few, the question is asked once or twice, for the rest of us its a battle to constantly tell little white lies that gets us through.

One evening I was asked the question by my girlfriend, what proceeded was a barrage of verbal abuse, and the fear of a baseball bat being pulled out and having my head used for target practice. Luckily, I survived that night with all limbs in tact, yes I do mean, all my limbs!

Unfortunately this is an epidemic, we are left scratching our heads, contemplating how we are going to get our partner off the junk food, onto the treadmill without losing our lives in the process. If there is one thing I have learned honesty is the greatest policy but it must be for sincere and unselfish reasons.

You may approach your partner asking them to come for walks with you, or join the local gym, in most cases what has got them to where they currently is their lifestyle choice. Many have used this method with tremendous results, subtle changes in dietary intake and physically activity can eventually lead to a lifestyle change without brutally destroying your partners self esteem. Overtime the weight melts off, but how much patience do you have?

You may find yourself feeling hopeless, losing the physical attraction you once had for your partner. In my case it was having a huge impact on our sex drive. Funnily enough, the classic, "I have a headache" line was used more times than I can remember and it was taking a toll.

Whether it's your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife the chances your partner will successful lose weight is low, not meaning to sound pessimistic but permanent weight loss for people is difficult. The fundamentals are easy to understand, eat clean food, exercise, stay active and the weight melts off, but the mental aspects are the most difficult to overcome. To successfully achieve weight loss your partner must want to do so, wanting your partner to do so for your own selfish reasons will do little but place strain on your relationship. Finding the right things to say, the right actions to take and then instilling those beliefs into your partner can be a daunting task, but it can be done.

While many have faced this animal head on and have had their heads bitten off, there are many out there including myself that have not only been successful in their approach but have shared their battle plan with others.

If you would like to read how I helped my girlfriend lose 50lbs and help your partner get back in shape please visit Strip That Fat today!Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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