I will be letting you k the mi
kes that fat
ple do w
ing to lose weight .
According to Us Dept of health, we were maid to undernd that 95% of all the weight we lose is regained and 96% of all weight loss attempt ends in failure
It means that less than one fat pon in twenty succeeds w
ing to loose weight.
Bee going on ,I will like to classify the fat
ple into two :
� The overweight
� The obese , those ple that I call dangerously overweight .
The overweight 73 % while the obese
26%. I am sure you k
how alarming
s issue is to the whole world , most especially United
What can we do to reve
s deadly trend ?
I nk what can be done is to let
ple to k
l fact about weight loss and I will
rt that by letting you to under
nd ten mi
kes we make w
ing to loose weigh.
Going on diets
T point may come as a shock to
ple , but that's number one fact you need to k
. Diet is a very lousy
to lose weight because
ple tend to ignore all of the
why they
overweight in the first place.
It is no longer a news that the to lose weight is to
less , exercise more , but the truth is no one over
s because of physical hunger. Am I right? Yes I am because recent research shows me that , the
son why
too much
totally has no
ng to do with
d�. What did I say? NOTHING . that is why no amount of you
ing to deny yourself will make any kind of lasting difference . All it does is , it makes
ple to feel deprived , anxious and more depressed w
the fail yet again.
It's about the
d . it is about why
ple don't stop
ing the
d ,
n w
the physical hunger has been s
sfied. Can you
agree with me that going on diet is
a solution at all and it won't change any
ng at all.
Tng to avoid your favourite
T is also just as much a waste of time as dieting . In fact , it's a
m of dieting . Since dieting can be defined
s purpose as any ef
t to control your body weight by controlling the volume or nature of
d you take in at a particular time.
Don't get me wrong , I am sa
g that what you at is
. It is a fact that some
you than oth
and it is also a fact that a
per amout of
d you take in is heal
er than too much or too little as well. But what I am
ing to tell you is that you must shift your attention a
from the
d itself to the
son you
too much .
As you that ing that
ing to avoid the
d you like the most just makes you w
them the more . That's the
it is with any
ng that feels like self-denial and that's no
too live , that
life .
Diet pills
What a funny and fake solution , I nk the dangerous practice is finally getting some of the publicity it deserves . Almost
ry week we
hear the news of ephedra , ma huang / etc More than 80 d
h and countless health
blems have been directly linked to
s natural stimul
.Yes we all w
results and we w
them fast , nobody agues with result . Yesterday will be nice . And therein lies much of our
blem . We human
a p
ent bunch , we al
s expect to get
ng we w
at the touch of a button and we beli
that what
blems that can
be solved with a button will be solved with pills . But it doesn't work that
Making reped attempt to lose weight
T is the most tragic c
equence of diet indus
aches. With each failed weight loss attempt , it becomes more difficult to take off pounds . It's called the YO-YO syndrome . Every time the weight goes down , it comes back up .
But unlike the YO-YO it ws to come up higher than the
rting point. T
can or will al
s lead to depression if you will agree with me . And it can
n cause gaining of weight.
Tng to avoid fattening
d in general
T is a
her ap
ach that doesn't work in
l life because it like you're con
ntly fighting your own desires. You
ing to impose your will on your own powerful desire.
But will is no match your deep craving desires. It is a pure wasting of time to
to fight your own desire . The easy
to succeed iat weight loss is to make changes in your p
gramming .
The g news is that
s is just easy and enjoyable
If you're originally feeling hungry , if you
in g
health and you have no unhealthy psychological issues motiv
ng your decision to skip your meal , t
blem . But if you skip meal out of guilt , as part of
d based weight control t
making a big mi
ke .
You can rely on your own psyche to strike back at you , through your unc
cious motiv
. And w
r your c
cious decisi
( like fasting and skipping meals ) conflict with your unc
cious motiv
( like
ing what
r meal and
ing it w
r you w
to), the unc
cious motiv
n will win
ry time.
Using generic weight loss method
You need to undernd the fact that you
different being to oth
, that's why
ngs that works
your fat neighbor will n
r work
you . your situ
on is unique and it needs a unique ap
ach. So make sure that your ap
ach to weight loss is no generic , but is targeted to your own p
onal situ
Relg on will power
I was as surprised as anyone that only does will power
duce weight loss, but most often lead to weight weight gain..
you asking me why? Ok .
that we k
self denial c
tes a psychic "backlash" it's easier to under
nd why.
In truth will power is a fragile and fickle ngs -as anyone who
r relied on it k
s only too well. In
lity , will power is no power at all. It's simply the
cess of
ing to go at cross purposes to our own deep desires.
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