Overweight refers to an excess of body weight, but not necessarily body fat. Obesity means an excessively high proportion of body fat. Hth professionals use a measurement called body mass index (BMI) to classify an adult's weight as
y, overweight, or obese. BMI describes body weight rela
e to height and is correlated with total body fat
tent in most adults.
To get y approximate BMI you
use the inter
ive BMI
The key to losing weight is a simple message: "Eat less and move m." Y
body needs to burn m
n you take in.
Weight Loss Conquerors:
Aough many people who l
weight may
ntually gain it back, it's a myth
t this happens to
ryone. There are 4 areas
t a successful weight loss study group had in common; They eat a low-calorie, low-fat d
, they monitor themselves by weighing in frequently, they are very physically
ive, and they eat breakfast. E
ng breakfast
ry day is
trary to the typical pattern for the average overweight person who is trying to d
. Getting up in the morning and skipping breakfast then having a light lunch. By
ning,they get hungry and
sume most of their calories late in the day. Successful weight l
rs have managed to change this pattern.
Setting a Goal:
The first step to weight loss is setting a ristic goal. By using a BMI chart and
sulting with y
care provider, you
determine what is a
y weight for you. To reach y
goal safely, plan to l
weight gradually. A weight loss of one-half to two pounds a week is usually safe, according to the D
ary Guidelines for Ameri
s 2000. If you plan to l
n 15 to 20 pounds, have any
problems, or take medic
on on a regular basis, see y
care professional bef
you begin a weight-loss program.
Changing Eng Habits:
Ding may
jure up visions of e
ng lettuce and sprouts--but you
enjoy all
ds as part of a
y d
as long as you don't overdo it. To be successful at losing weight, you need to change y
lifestyle--not just go on a d
, experts say. This requires cutting back on the number of calories you eat by e
ng smaller amounts of
ds and choosing
ds lower in calories. It also means being m
Focus on the Following Areas:
Use the FoodPyramid d
Using Food Labels
When cerned about reducing calories or
trolling y
weight, one of the first places you should look on the N
ition F
s panel is the serving size and the number of servings per package, which are listed at the top. The serving size affects the calories, the amounts of each n
ient, and the percent Daily Values (%DV) for the n
ients listed on the panel. In addition to calories and serving sizes, there are other parts of the N
ition F
s panel, such as the list of n
help you make
d choices while you l
weight. The N
ition F
s panel also shows how much d
ary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, and iron are
tained in a serving. These are the n
ients you want to get at least 100 percent of the Daily Value
ry day for good
CAUTION! Food Labeled "Fat-free and "Low-fat":
Use caution when choosing ds
t are labeled "fat-free" and "low-fat." Fat-free doesn't mean calorie-free. To make a
d tastier, sometimes extra sugars are added, which adds calories. Fat Free VS Regular Calorie. So d
ers should always check the N
ition F
s panel to get complete inform
Get Ace, Be Fit!
In addition to helping to trol weight, physical
ivity decreases the risk of dying from coronary
rt disease and reduces the risk of d
loping diabetes, hypertension, and certain
cers. Researchers also have found
t daily physical
ivity may help a person l
weight by partially lessening the slow-down in metabolism
t occurs during weight loss.
To l weight and to maintain a
y weight after weight loss, many adults will likely need to do m
n 30 minutes of moderate to intensive physical
ivity daily.
Certified Nitionist, Exercise Specialist and Owner of The Center for Fitness and N
tell you ex
ly which
ds and which
d combin
ons will cause instant weight loss and which ones cause instant weight gain D
Losing weight requires major lifestyle changes, including d and n
ition, exercise, and behavior modific
on. But it is always worth making the effort to improve y
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