ing packs on the pounds. Every found yourself looking at
t cookie package wondering how it got to be empty and in your hand? Ever gone downstairs to feed a hungry kitty, only to f
yourself at the refrigerator heading down the stairs after everyone else has gone to bed only to land up in front of the fridge
ing m
lessly? Ever wondered ab
just how many calories you consume with
really thinking ab
it? Now's the time to end all
Think ab it - aren't there certain places
t are just conducive to m
ing? I know
t my private binge bar used to be my car. A perfect place because it screened others
and myself (and my food stash) in. It gave me a perfect private space: traffic lights to provide the perfect
ing opportunity, a radio to give me a b
too, a s
to hide wrappers under. Heaven knows how many pounds I packed on just in my car.
If your car is your binge bar too - time to clean it . NOW. Take
ever wrapper you can f
, vacuum and give your car a really good clean. It's a way of put
g yourself on notice:
t old self-def
ing habit, and in with the new. You can't focus on really enjoying your food when you've got half your focus on the road and the other half wondering whether
t guy next to you at the traffic light is watching you scarf it down.
Another place famous for mless
ing is watching TV. You know, 'Desperate Housewives' f
s you sit
g there, glued to the screen with your hand going from chip packet to m
h, in an autom
c motion. At the end you really couldn't tell me what it tasted like, although you'd probably be sure to tell me you enjoyed it.
Next is t computer.... have a quick look at your keyboard - does it have crumbs and grubbiness from food? I know, it's k
a tricky to
and type, but it's amazing how many people manage to multi-task with a few finger-licks in between.
Take 'post-it's' and past one on your TV screen, one of your computer screen and one of your fridge/food cupboard too and on it write: "I love you enough not to m
lessly." This is your rem
er to make more self-loving choices: choices 'for' your health, rather
n choices
t shoot you and your body in the proverbial foot.
Do you want to overcome mless
ing for good? Just doing this has probably been the single biggest weight loss secret I've discovered. For a fabulous exercise to help you do this, click on the link to the ditch diets live light website below.
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