1. Do at st 30 min's of cardio each day. The key is to not go to fast. Walk
burns more fat the runn
and to w
out at
st 6 days out of the week, don't take more then 1 day off.
2. W out y
abs EVERY day! This is someth
that normally gets over looked. You need to w
out y
abs every day it is not enough to do them every other day. Make sure to alternate different types of ab w
outs so that y
muscles don't get used to y
every day rout
. You want the biggest burn.
3. W out y
upper body every other day. Make sure to target each upper arm muscle for at
st 3 reps.
4. W out y
lower body every other day. Alternate, upper one day, lower the next. Make sure to target all y
muscles for at
st 3 reps.
5. Make sure you drink plenty of water. You need to drink at st 8 cups a day and make sure to drink more dur
If you want more then just the basic steps to los weight and you want to see my secrets p
se feel free to look at my blog at http://sassyfite.blogspot.com/ this is now my at home business so p
se enjoy!
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