Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Wednesday, 8 April 2009

How to Super Charge Your Weight Loss Effort with the Lemonade Cleanse Diet?:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsCommonly also known as the master cleanse, the le cleanse diet is famous for its detox ability. Other than no pills and no insive workout, the ingredients are readily available and cheap. Recently, many turn to this diet to achieve weight loss and detox, but not everyone succeeded.

If you w to achieve weight loss with the master cleanse, it helps to include the following 6 points as part of your weight loss regime. You can then turn this le diet into a powerful lose weight diet.

I w to stress that master cleanse diet is for short term. It's considered a fast. Well, there's a way to turn it into a long term diet plan, but it's beyond the scope of this article. Towards the end, you will find out more about using the le diet as a long term weight control strategy.

Now, weight loss begins with you. If you w to supercharge your weight loss effort, you should start working irnally. It's one of the most over look steps to turn the master cleanse le diet into a weight loss machine. Let's dive in.

1. Setting the Right Inn
As Oprah Winfrey once said, "Inn rules the Earth". Set the inn to slim down right from the start. Be as specific and concise yet believable in your inn. For example, I w to lose more than 45 pounds by end of the week is not as believable and concise as I w to lose a pound a for the next 10 s.

Do something after reading this article to dnstrate your commitment to lose weight.

2. Affirman for Weight Loss
Just to bring everyone to common ground, positive affirmans are usually short positive statements aim to replace any negve belief that may sabotage your weight loss effort. This works not only with master cleanse.

These sences must be positive and in the present tense, focusing on what you w. For example, you may w to create a positive statement like:

"I'm in process of reaching my perfect weight using master cleanse."

And to make the affirman effective, start affirming positively 7 s before you start the master cleanse.

Look into the mirror straight into your own eyes and affirm. Do it first thing in the morning and before you sleep at night.

Next moving on to look into the finer aspect of the le diet for successful weight loss.

3. Master Cleanse Duran and Irval
Every cycle of your cleanse should not exceed 10 s, and I recommend a 55 s rest period before beginning the next le cleanse regime.

Mathemcally, the longer you are in the diet, the more weight you will lose. It's logical to think that way. Expect that you have not consider the after effect of staying in the cleanse for too long.

You see, your metabolism rate starts to slow down - to adjust to your new calories intake - after a couple of s. The next moment, when you are back on your normal diet, your calories intake become too much for your metabolism to handle. And all these "extra" calories gets convert into fats.

So far, 10 s seems optimal. You should lose substial amount of weight and detox at the same time following it.

4. Before and After the Cleanse
If you wake up one morning and jump start your master cleanse regime, you are heading for disaster. The abrupt change of eng habit can be too much for you to handle - both physically and mentally.

Instead gradually ease yourself into the cleanse. Start 3 to 5 s ahead of your actually cleanse and progressively replacing solid food meals with the le diet.

Do the same at the end of the cleanse. Gradually introduce solid food back into your diet.

5. Eng
You can't eat while undergoing the regime is possibly the number one myth. You can, but not just anything. There is a list of "safe food" you can eat while on the cleanse. I'll tell you where to go for your list of "safe food" towards the end of this article.

6. Ingredients
Never prepare your le s in advance. I can't stress this point enough. It's probably convenient to prepare enough le drink to last 10 s. But you are diminishing the effectiveness of the le diet.

Also alw insist on organic ingredients.

As what a Chinese philosopher once said, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." And your first step on your weight loss journey with the le cleanse diet begin with an inn.


To learn more about using the improved le cleanse diet for weight loss and detox, sign up for the popular free ecourse at:

=> http://www.mastercleanse.xfactorweightloss.com

Publishers, get inst notifican and free reprint rights to my weight loss articles at:

=> http://www.publishers.xfactorweightloss.com

By: Jeslyn Lim, the natural weight loss and detox enthusiast.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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