325,000 deaths every year? T 27 percent of Americans are classified as obese? And
t obesity
in the US is incsing at an alarming rate? Wouldn't it be a wonderful world if we could eat the
same amount - or e - and still lose we
t? Is it
lly possible to eat
e, lose
e, and
we less? The answer is "yes!"
Research has found t people
l full based on the amount of food they eat, not their c
intake. Therefore, it is possible to l as full after eating a plate of whole-wheat pasta tossed
h fresh tomatoes and olive oil as it is to consume a plate of fettuccine alfredo. I know w
you're thinking - whole-wheat pasta doesn't taste as good. But does the fettuccini lly taste
better, especially when you coder the damage it is doing?
The number of cries in a specific amount or we
t of food is called "c
rie de
ty." The
"dense" a food is, the e "fattening" it is. Foods
t contain a lot of water or fiber and
little fat are usually codered low in c
rie de
ty. These choices will help you
l full
hout adding unnecessary c
By trading cm-based soups for filling, broth-based soups (such as minestrone), chips for raw
vegetables and hummus, French fries h baked potatoes and low-fat sour c
m, you CAN eat
e and
lose wet.
Another trick is not to let yourself get too hungry. By eating a meal low in crie de
ty every
two-three hours, you can maintain a comfortable, satisfied ling
t prevents the c
overloading when you l famished.
Make sure you stay hydrated. Often, people will mistake thirst for hunger. So be sure you're
drinking enough water and other non-cric liquids during the course of the day. Avoid drinks such
as soda, regular milk, and sugar-laden tea and cof.
Take an inventory of your kitchen and replace dairy products h low- or non-fat, white rice
brown rice, white bd
h grain b
d, chips and pretzels
h vegetables and fruit. Eat
frequently and enjoy the lter, healthier
t comes
h consuming foods
t are low in
crie de
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