This diet is also known as the "Hollywood Diet" & "Master Cleanse" Diet
If I had a dollar for every question about this diet, I would be a rich man!
But what is it, and what does it do to your body?
The facts-
1. It is a starvation diet, meaning that you don't eat, so you
do lose weight in the short term.
2. It claims to rid the body of toxins, and aid the body to burn
3. The severe restriction of calories means that your body goes
into "starvation mode", and it starts storing fat for
4. Much of the loss of weight is actually muscle, fluid, and some
5. Loss of muscle means a slowing of metabolism, which means you
are more likely to put on fat when you go off the diet.
6. The Diet's website says that your body never breaks down the
nutrients you need, and get from food. This is scientifically
NOT TRUE! Where we do we get the nutrients we need from?
7. Not only is there a lack of nutrients, but there is no protein
in the diet, which is needed as the basic building blocks of
8. There are side effects, such as dizziness, extreme
weakness, vomiting, fainting, hunger pains and feeling hungry,
and general body functioning is affected. This is the body's
reaction to a restriction of calories, so it tries to adapt by
shutting things down. Long term weight gain is another side
9. The Diet throws the body into a condition known as
ketosis acidosis. This is an overabundance of acid which is
dangerous to the body, especially the heart & liver. Quite
ironic when it claims to cleanse the liver.
10. It costs about $100 for a 7-day cycle,
What is my opinion?
As a Fitness Professional, there is no way that I would recommend anyone go on this diet.
Yes, there are short term losses in weight, but the long term effects, AND the SIDE effects, look pretty nasty to me.
Use the $100 to buy some healthy and nutritious food, and exercise� you can't go wrong.
What I really don't like is how some doctors, naturopaths, and other health professionals are promoting and encouraging patients to use this diet.
Now for the interesting twist to this story.
In order to prove how terrible this diet is , I was considering purchasing this Diet, and using it myself, or having one of you, yes you!, use it.
In the spirit of the "Supersize Me" Movie where the guy ate nothing but McDonalds for a month,; I was considering videoing the diet over the 7 days. My aim- to prove that what I am saying is true.
I still might do this? Any takers?
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