1. Fad Ds:
W a qu
Google search you can find hundreds of d
s that say they will help w
weight loss. M
of these d
s, if followed, will make you lose weight. How
r, some will cause unh
thy weight loss and m
will not keep the weight off for g
. Look out for
plan that says you will lose more t
week. They won't let you
entire f
groups or limit you to cert
or involve a
anse or sup
ment that must be
en. Bottom l
is if it sounds too g
to be true, it probably is. Do your own research on the d
. Don't pay attent
to m
before/after pict
s si
they are usually tam
ed w
. Any d
that you plan to start you should be able to st
for the rest of your life. If you cannot, you will not keep the weight off o
you start
ing n
ally ag
2. Eating extrem low calorie d
s or starvat
M individuals will decide to stop
ing to lose weight. While ag
you probably will lose weight by doing this, it is obviously extrem
thy and dangerous. When an individual goes on a very low calorie d
, problems start to occur. If no f
is in the body, then there is no fuel for the body to funct
. When the body does not get adequate fuel for funct
s, it has to get it from somewhere. Si
your body thinks that it is starving and may not get another m
, it will save
cell until the last possible moment. Obviously you still need to move, so you br
signals for your body to start brea
g down mus
to turn protein into energy. You will continue to lose mus
mass and keep
. On top of all of this, your metabolism will get slower and slower. If you stay w
this type of d
long enough, your metabolism may n
r recover and you may cause serious h
th risks to your body. If you, or
you know, has this problem you should seek counseling immediat
3. Perf hours of c
A cio rout
is a gr
part of an exercise program but sometimes peo
e this too far. The thin
g proc
seems to make sense: if I do more c
io I will burn more calories and lose more weight. Unfortunat
, it doesn't work out this way. When you
long durat
io, a few things happen in your body. First, prolonged aerobic exercise increases cortisol response in your body. Cortisol is a h
that is released when str
is placed on the body. High l
ls of cortisol in the body cr
e a catabolic environment. This means that the body will break down mus
proteins for fuel. Not only will c
io increase cortisol, but it will decrease test
which will promote mus
growth. When this situat
occurs, you will lose more and more mus
mass and not nec
arily burn significant amou
calories. In order to limit this effect in the body, st
to c
io workouts that last around 30 minutes and focus more on increasing the intensity.
4. Skipping strength tring:
In the previous mise we learned that too much c
io is a bad thing for weight loss because it can deteriorate the mus
. The only thing that will promote h
thy mus
growth is resista
ing. Yet m
will skip their strength workouts because they are afraid of bul
g up and loo
g like a body builder. M
body builders shown on TV and in ads use drugs to help them get that big. It is extrem
to build that much mus
just a weight tr
ing rout
. I could write a book on the benefits of resista
ing, but I don't want to
e too much of your time. Some key poi
, how
r, are it will build mus
mass which increases your metabolism, it will promote higher b
mass density, and it will cr
e a higher p
-exercise oxygen consumpt
io al
. This last point might sound technical but it is so important for weight loss. In a tough workout you will burn a cou
hundred calories. After the workout your body has to get to work repairing the damages you made during the exercise and restore
rything back to how it was before you worked out. This can
e hours or
n days to get back to n
al. Until it does, you will burn more calories t
you would if you had not worked out. If you are serious about losing weight, you will not be very succ
ful w
out a strength rout
It can be h to design a rout
to follow but if you st
to some basic guidel
s you will be f
� Perf 2-3 workouts
� Perf exercises that involve multi-joint moveme
� Perf 3 sets of 8-12 reps to help build mus
� Perf at least
exercise for each major mus
group or movement pattern (push, pull, squat, bend, lunge, and rotate)
5. Unris
When setting up goals make s they are something that you r
ly think you can do. A h
thy rate of weight loss is 1-2lbs
week. That is a gr
goal to shoot for. If you are loo
g to lose 10lbs in a week, it is just not h
thy. Any d
that says they can do it may have serious h
th risks associated w
it. Make S.M.A.R.T. goals. They should be specific, measurable, att
able, r
, and tim
. Instead of saying you want to lose 30lbs you can say you will you will work out 5 days a week for the next 3 months. This is a gr
goal for m
reasons. Instead of focusing on the end result you are thin
g about behavior you have to c
ge to get to the goal. You cannot control how much weight you can lose. You can control how much or often you are wor
g out. If you st
to a program 5 days a week for 3 months you will lose weight. Along w
being specific you are setting an end date. It helps you st
to a plan when you see the end in sight. O
you get there, if you are not happy w
the results, you can try a new goal.
6. Not keeping a f journal:
They have d research where they
e two groups of peo
, put them on a workout/nutrit
plan, and tell
group to keep a journal of
rything. The research shows that the group who kept
ck of
rything l
more weight and was more lik
to st
to a program. Unl
you are writing things down you will not be s
how much you are
ing. It is also a gr
idea to have some
review your journal. This can be a friend, family member,
r, or
else who would help you. Even if this
son is not a nutrit
ist, the idea that some
will be chec
g it will help you stay accountable.
7. Not c
g results:
M peo
ck their weight. This is not usually the best way to keep
ck of your progr
. You can become obs
ed w
your weight and give up if you don't lose weight
ry day. Instead,
e circumfere
on different areas of your body, have your body
d, and keep
ck of weights you use or dista
s you run. The scale doesn't always tell the whole story. If you lose
but g
you might not see a big drop on the scale. If you meas
your body, how
r, you can see exactly where you are losing weight. Having your body
d is also a gr
way to see if you are losing
or not. You may have to hire a
r for this, but m
times he or she will to it for free. So
e advantage of having a prof
e meas
. If you are wor
g out you will see strength improveme
. Each week you should try and lift more weight t
the week before or get more repetit
s. You can test yourself by
ing as m
push ups or squats in
minute and see if you improve. Also, keep
ck of how fast you can run, swim, bike�. a given dista
and see if you improve. It might not be a c
ge in weight, but it still feels g
to know you are ma
g improveme
8. Ring on sup
I know the ads can be tempting but m sup
have not been proven to work. Even if they have been shown to have some benefit, the manufact
rs are not regulated. So it is h
to say what you are getting. Bottom l
is there is no magic pill to lose weight or burn
. Some sup
may help for some but it should not be the focus. A sup
ment is exactly what it says. It should sup
ment your current d
, not replace it. Avoid the ads w
models showing their ripped mus
s. There is a g
ce they do not
e the sup
ment they are promoting. St
to a daily multivitamin and avoid the fancy
burners and mus
builders unl
you have d
your research on them.
9. Give up on your plan too soon:
Unfortunat, losing weight
es time. I already said that 1-2lbs is the average you will lose on a g
plan. M
do not want to hear this but it is true. Think of how long it took you to put on the weight. It will
n longer to get it all off. Give your workout program a c
ce. St
a program for at least 3 months. If you have no
ed nothing c
ging you are probably on a bad program. Reevaluate it and try ag
. You might not get it right the first few times, especially if you are trying it on your own.
10. Overdoing it in the beginning:
I'm s by now you are motivated and ready to get started on a
burning rout
. Hold up a minute and plan out a s
tegy. I have seen m
individuals throw things I've told them right out the window. I give a progr
ive program that eases their bodies into the workout so they don't kill themselves. Instead they want to do more and more. I love seeing the drive but you have to be very careful. Doing too much too fast can lead to serious injuries. Look for signs of overtr
ing. If you suffer from
of these issues, you might have to rest and
e it easy for awhile before starting up ag
� Always sore or ing more t
2 days to recover from a workout
� Joi constantly ache
� Getting s frequently
� Not seeing improveme and actually starting to get worse
� Feeling depred and run down
� Not getting enough sleep
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