Have you r wondered what exactly is up
h weight loss? This in
ve report can g
you an insight into
rything you've
r wanted to know about weight loss.
An article discussing about how to lose weight by following lthy e
ng habits.
It's nr too late to rethink on your
t plan and make fresh and r
lth resolutions. It is the right time to take stock of the situ
on. Ask yourself: Are we being fair to ourselves when we make these strict guidelines of
t and exercise? Most people recoil at the thought of
ting and exercising, especially on a cold winter morning. And
all those people who are fed up
t dictums, the good news is that the best way to lose weight is not to
t or depr
yourself of all the good things in life. If this sounds too good to be true, wait till you try this:
Wellness - the latest buzzword to hit the lth industry - is actually the best way
ward. Most people who plan strict
ts do it in the hope that after losing the extra kilos, they will look ravishing. But the truth is that lusterless sagging skin or loose abdominal muscles are not the result that people want. What we want is a happy,
lthy, svelte figure munching an apple. But alas, that is not what we end up
h very often. There
e, after trying to lose weight
the nth time, it is now time to stop
r and yet look slim.
Most of this inm
on comes straight from the weight loss pros. Careful reading to the end virtually guarantees that you'll know what they know.
Wellness is not only about losing weight, it is also about a posit mindset and trans
ming oneself into a holistically
lthy person. This kind of a change in focus will not only result in weight loss but also g
you great skin, good hair, a glowing persona and best of all, freedom from
ts. Here is what the wellness and
t schedule entails:
o Understanding your food weaknesses and indulging in them two times a week.
o Maintaining a t log book.
o Pick up a routine that you enjoy which is like an exercise: dancing, or walking the pet, floor exercises h music etc.
o Nr depr
yourself. Always add new
lthy habits to the current schedule, like having a yummy soup in the
ning instead of tea and a scrumptious salad during lunch
h ol
s, balsamic dressing and some greens and cheese cubes.
o Enjoy your m. Many people who eat hurriedly always miss out on the flavors, do not feel s
ated and end up compens
ng by overe
o And if all this does not convince you, count the number of times you have struggled through a t program only to regain the weight
h a few extra pounds.
o Looking at unlthy habits and finding altern
ves. For example, if you are prone to drinking too much of tea/coffee, substitute some
herbal teas which smell and taste good. If you eat too much of fried food, learn to make toasted snacks or baked snacks, and experiment
h new roasted snacks.
o Do not starve or eat less. When we cut down on quantities, our emotional system retaliates, so the best option is to add lthy foods to the
t be
e cutting out on food suddenly.
That's the latest from the weight loss authorities. Once you're familiar h these ideas, you'll be ready to move to the next l
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