Back in 2007, the Washington Post reported a study done by Stanford University t compared four diets. Two w
low-carb diets, one was a behavior modification diet,
one was a low-fat diet. These w
all very popular diets t
women chose to lose weight. The Atkins diet was one of the contenders,
the winner. More women w
able to lose weight with the Atkins diet than the other low-carb diets t
sought to capitalize on Atkins success. Additionally, more women w
able to lose weight with the Atkins diet than they w
with the low-fat diet
the diet t
focused on losing weight with behavior modification.
Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program did more than just help women lose weight. It also helped women reduce their bad cholesterol. Triglycerides levels dropped. Triglycerides are linked to heart disease. The women losing weight with the Atkins diet also lowd their blood pressure,
had the highest increase in HDL - which is the good cholesterol. LDL, on the other h
, is bad cholesterol,
a major factor in the risks for heart disease. Experts have speculated t
Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program would substantially increase a dieter's LDL. This would be a logical assumption since the Atkins Diet suggests t
you can lose weight by substituting meat (high in saturated fats) for carbohydrates to help you lose weight. The results of the Stanford study showed only a slight increase in LDL levels; however, the LDL blood levels from the Atkins dieters w
no diff
nt from the other dieters.
Eating to lose weight with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program no longer has to carry the stigma t it's a "fad." Dieters can feel confident t
they will lose weight with the Atkins diet. Eating healthy to lose weight with a low-carbohydrate diet will not cause the imminent heart failure t
some dissidents feared. Losing weight with the Atkins Diet Weight Loss Program is the scientifically proven way to get your diet out of your book
onto your plate. You'll lose weight, lose triglycerides,
gain some good HDL. The proven success of the Atkins diet means you don't have to lose faith - the only thing you have to lose is weight.
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