Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Saturday, 21 February 2009

The Health Benefits Of Incorporating Acai Fruit In Your Diet Plan:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsAcai it is o referred to as acai berry. It grows on Amazon trees - the palm trees that nd in Brazilian regions. Brazilian natives have been using this it as a super food since ages. Howr, considering the wide array of health benef that it has to offer, te have gad rapid populty in other ts of the world as well. Following some of the benef to your health.

Controls Cholesterol Ll

Incorporating acai it into your diet plan is one of the best ways to maintain cholesterol lls. This is because te rich in essential fatty acids Omegas 6 9.

Prnts Heart Disease

Te berries o rich in anthocyanins. Anthocyanins phytochemic that usually nd in red w. Te plant chemic have been nd to be y useful in prnting heart disease. In fact, in compson to red w, anthocyanins is nd 10-30 times more in acai it than it is nd in red w.

Other Benef

*Te o y rich in fiber iron.
*In compson to any other in the market, acai can provide the higt ll of antioxidants. For example, in compson to the red w grapes, the antioxidant ll is up to 33 times more in acai. The antioxidant ll in acai is twice in compson to blueberries 10 times more in compson to the antioxidants nd in grapes.
*Lots of vitas mr o nd in acai, such as Fiber, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Vita C, Vita E, Vita B1, B2, B3.

Those who have incorporated acai it in their diet plan have o approved sral other benef, such as improved mental focus, better digestion, better sleep, staa. Oall, it is not an exaggeration to say that acai berry is a y powerful food source.Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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