There are a few w to make sure you enjoy the h
day season without packing on unwanted pounds. You m
t even be able to lose some we
t if you play your cards r
t. When shopping, start early so that you don't
e the added stress. You find the closer you get to Christmas, the more crowded the stores are and the lower the inv
ory on the items you m
t need. If you
e vacat
time you're burning, set a schedule
yourself. Being bored and snacking can be a huge hit to the die
g adult. You'll find if you
e some set activities to do during the d
you're off, you won't be tempted to pick up h
calorie foods and start snacking. And if you are going to attend h
day parties, take a dish with you. By bringing your own low calorie dish, you'll know there's something at the party you're com
table with. Also, take a few mom
s to look up the nutrit
the most common finger foods. This way at least you know what to choose when faced with the decis
of what to fill your plate with. Another great way to prev
g at a h
day party is to eat a l
t meal be
e hand. This way you're not starving when you get there, and can make more in
med decis
s about what to eat.
Indulging a little during the hd
is ok, but if you're Die
g, it's important to
e a handle on what you eat. For Christmas, try to limit your indulging foods to Christmas day only. A big problem
those that are die
g is that instead of Christmas being a one day affair, it turns into a week long indulg
. Another tip is pay att
to your body. During the h
there are often a lot of differ
things to choose from, and people feel sl
ted if they don't try some of everything. You can remain on your diet of choice and still lose we
t if you pay att
to what you eat and how much. Die
g doesn't
e to make your h
unpleasant and the h
e to ruin your diet.
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