The problem is by not taking t to get your worko
, you risk lo
g the l
muscle mass and s
t you have worked so hard to build and ma
ain. If you have been paying att
ion, you have heard me talk about it before: Lo
g l
muscle mass
l lower your resting metabolic rate, which accounts for the vast majority (about 60-75%) of your
al daily calorie burning.
This ms
t e
yday you
l be burning less and less calor
l put you at a much greater risk of packing on
y fat during the holidays and being mistaken for St. Nick. Plus, lo
g s
l m
t the next t
you start to work out your perf
l su
r. No
y wants to be sucking wind like a fat kid cha
g an ice cream truck while working out.
Fear not! I l now show you some cle
ways to ma
ain or increase the num
of calor
you burn per day, both from exercise and from your n
al daily activit
, to stay on
s holiday season. Use the s
below to ma
ain and/or increase your curr
amount of l
muscle mass and maximize your daily calorie burn to best protect yourself against the deadly holiday bloat!
1. Perf at least one
ense s
ining session per
k. If you have been reading any
ng I write then you know
s is the sorest dead horse in town: Stud
t only a
gle s
ining workout per
k during t
s when you cannot
in as frequ
ly as you n
ally do is an e
ctive way to ma
ain your curr
levels of s
h and l
muscle mass. So, to best ma
ain your s
h and l
muscle mass, shoot for at least one good s
ining workout per
k. Even better: shoot for THREE
y s
h worko
k. To maximize fat burning, perf
y s
h worko
k and also perf
three cardio
erval worko
k either immediately after or non s
ining days.
2. Get the Nums. Your
y is apathetic. It doesn't really care if you do 100 ke
swings in 10 minutes or in a day. When you honestly cannot find a five to 20-minute t
slot to complete an e
y workout, find those hidden chunks of t
during the day to get in a certain num
of daily repetitions for a certain num
of exercises
t work your
y. Got a free mom
from now until you need to take the turkey out of the oven? Then, bang out 10 push-ups, 10 rows, and 20 ke
swings. U
s method throughout the day
l lead to big num
s by the end of the day
l burn a lot of calor
in addition to keeping you strong.
It is important to note t
s "Get the Num
s" routine is a BACK-UP option, a "PLAN B" for the ideal worko
like we do in Nashv
e Ke
Bootcamp. Short rest periods bet
n exercises
l create an optimal h
onal environm
for rapid fat loss and l
muscle gain. Longer rest periods (full reco
y) work w
for s
h, but not as much for burning fat. Howe
, it comes down to e
ctive ("Get the Num
sus optimal (50-10 Total B
Circuit Interval T
ning Worko
), so be sure to at least be e
s holiday season!
Choose multi-jo, compound movem
t hit as much of your
y's muscle groups in the shortest amount of t
possible (e.g. Get-ups, swings, lunges, push-ups, rows, etc.). Use the plan below as guide to build your own "Get the Num
s" workout. Adjust the repetition ranges as necessary based on your curr
h levels. All you
l need is your
y weight and a ke
. Perf
s plan up to three t
s per
k, resting a day bet
n worko
Alternate betn Plan A and Plan B for more variety. You can either hit your
al by doing one exercise first (e.g. perf
push-ups rest-pau
g as needed until you get 100
al), or by simply employ circuit style
ining (e.g. 20 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 rows, repeat 10x throughout the day to hit your
The Get the Nums Workout For The Holidays
Workout A- B weight Squats: 100
Push-ups: 100 al
Rows: 50
al per arm
Workout B- Turkish get-up: 10 per arm
swing: 200
Cl and press: 50
al per arm
3. Plan the Junk- From Hallon until New Years Day we are bombarded with an e
g volume of junk food. From the li
e "fun size" candy bars ( I ne
t...whats fun about having to unwrap e
gle bite of candy?) to the mashed potatoes and gravy to the stockings full of chocolate Santas to the New Years Eve party bu
t. It's e
ywhere, all the t
Here is how to enjoy the "good" and st
keep the j
y off your b
y: Plan ahead of t
the days/meal/ev
t you want to indulge. Example: The office party, Christmas day with your family and the New Years Eve party. On those three pre-determined occasions, let loose and shovel it down. Gorge yourself. Then get back to your regular plan.
I have written before about Dr. John Berardi's 90/10 rule: If you are compliant 90% of the t, then 10% of non-compliance has li
e e
4. Keep moving- Do not fear the cold, get oide and move around. Play with the kids, walk the dog, have some fun!
Once again, all these calor here and there truly do add up and could make a di
rence bet
n you fitting in your pants or ripping your pants by the t
the clock strikes midnight
s New Year!
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