Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Thursday, 26 February 2009

Relationship between healthy food and effective weight loss system :

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsBee I start discussing relonship between healthy food effective weight loss system ,

I will like to ask one big question from bee going into s interesting topic .

Do really nk that eng of balance diet plays a big role in effective weight loss system?
I will want to answer it rself . but me I nk the answer is yes I if the answer is yes , I won't mind writing on importance of balance diet give some good combinon of diet that will help to live a good life.
I nk people tend to underestimate the importance of having a balance diet .The lack of balance diet can be hazardous to anyone's health. Lack of certain valuable nutrient in our diet can disease.
Diet can be defined in 2 ways:
� what a person eats: the food that a person consumed
� controlled intake of food : a controlled intake of food drink designed weight loss health reasons to control or improve a medical condition.
If there is one major health issue that we can have control on it is our diet. Eng habit can be dependent on living area the genetic make up.
Another issue is that people tend to classify food into good or bad food . They nk that just because a certain food is good someng , abusing it will have good effect on their system . That is a big lie , because eng a single type of food will lead to the lack of vital nutrient that the abused food doesn't have.
So what is the secretes? How can we makeup healthy eng system?
The answer is in one single term: BALANCE . The fact is that the stress the speed at which ngs are developing around us make most of us only take to the diet we are used to , but when it comes trying out a different approach , we find it very difficult . Like they say bad habit die hard.
Generally healthy diet must contain :
� calories used in the maintain aces of personal energy needs.
� Fat win certain limit . what a big surprise but that is the fact need by not in excess .
� Trans fats from hydrogenated plant oils are not allowed
� Amino acids : used cellular replenishment
� Micronutrient : like vitamins specific mineral.

All these combinons are needed very important.
Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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