Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Monday, 16 February 2009

A Very Common Mistake Made about Exercising:

Fat Loss 4 IdiotsEcising is our sincere desire but we quit so soon, Why?

I am going to ecise! I will rt on Monday, no ifs, ands, or buts ab it. I have my rine all planned and I will get in shape!

Haven't we all said this and planned this and rted with the best intentions only to find a week later we saying the same tg, I'll rt on Monday. And this t I really mean it!

You know, we fall into the same trap e as we do in so many ot as of our lives in this day and age. The day and age of innt gratification. I want it now, not tomorrow but today. We so spoiled by our abundance that we tk we can apply it to everytg in our lives.

I'm sorry, te just some tgs that e t. Growing up es t, often it is a lifet as te always new tgs to see and learn and know. Relationships don't happen inntly. A good homemade spaghetti sauce es t to simmer, slowly.

Ecise is sometg we have to build into. Too often we buy a video or go to the gym, or work with a friend and we tk we have to keep up with leader. Wrong! We all have this competitive ego wit that tells us we can do that. Not now you can't. If you build up to it then you will be able to. We try to do it right off the bat and so sore for so many days after that we can't hardly move much less try to ecise again today, or this week. Then a month passes or maybe two and we m the same mike again.

Plan to ecise and plan to e it SLOW this t! If you have to rt with a 5 minute walk, then that is what you do. 5 minutes the first day, 10 minutes the third day and build up to we you can walk for 45- 60 to minutes and feel great. Start by doing 3 reps of every ot ecise on the video the first day and alternate ecises at 3 reps each for the first week. The second week add one or two more. The third week add a couple more. Hey, this isn't so hard is it? It es t.

M sure you also get plenty of fluids and the proper nutrition. The proper fluids, good water, is the easiest, good nutrition es more effort. Unless, you could just drink 2 ounces twice a day and get the equivalent of thirteen serving of fruit each and every day!

Is te such a tg, and does it taste good? Absolutely! A little research on your part will bring you more knowledge, or you may contact me and I will sh what I know. To your healthy ecise!Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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