Something that happens to me on a regular basis when I meet people is that once they find out that I'm a ness professional, they start asking me questi
ut the things that they eat or how they exercise, and what my opinion is on it. I don't mind this, because it gives me some insight on ex
ly what people do, what they believe, and how things have worked for them.
I will qualify that I only give my advice if it is asked for. I never preach ut
ness to someone who didn't ask for my advice. After
, I know I don't want people preaching to me
ut their expertise if I didn't ask for the advice.
So, one thing I iced while on vacation last week in the carribean was that out of hundreds and hundreds of people from
different countries that were walking around the sunny resorts in bathing suits, I only saw a grand total of
ut 4 people that had anything resembling six-pack abs. That's only 4 people out of probably close to 1000 that I saw throughout the 7 days!
This observation has hing to do with their
while on vacation, just
ut their current state of
ness. Now obviously most people, including myself, are
following their normal
and behaviors on vacation that they would in normal life. That's
the point.
I make observati
ut the habits and
of both the
people and the fat people on a daily basis to help determine successful vs. unsuccessful
. It could be at grocery stores, at the gym, at restaurants, at the office, at someone's house...
are potential spots to learn why people are either
or fat.
Start paying attention to the i
of the people around you on a daily basis, and their corresponding body shape, and you'll learn a lot. Here are some examples of things you may
You might ice that the overweight woman at the office who claims she can never lose any weight is
y the first one in the kitchen whenever someone brings in free donuts or cookies. You might also
ice that the guy with the beer gut, who says it's impossible for him to get rid of the gut, is skipping breakfast on a regular basis (a killer for your met
lism), and drinking 2 or 3 sodas a day without even realizing it. No wonder he's got a beer gut! On the other hand, you might also
ice that the girl with the slim figure, who seemingly eats
kinds of junk food (and everyone gripes that she should be fat with
of that crap she eats), never
y finishes more than half of what she's eating. When you take a closer look, she's
eating that many calories day in and day out, and that's why she's lean. It's
always as it appears on the surface.
The point is that there's always an underlying reason why someone is either fat or , and it revolves around their lifestyle, their
, their habits. Look a little deeper and you'll learn a lot
ut why people fail and why people succeed with weight management and other
ness goals.
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