If you're ing the party then you h
control and can include healthier options as well as some other f
guests. Enc
age guests to take leftovers home; this will prevent
ing not so g
party f
days to come. Always h
jugs of water on hand you will be amazed how many people opt
a d
k of water between alcoholic d
Choose the healthier options pretzels inst of ch
, vegetable sticks inst
of crackers, tomato based d
of creamy ones.
If at a buffet fill y plate with � m
and the rest lots of salad.
Choose salads with no drings inst
of creamy dr
ings. Splash vinegar on y
salad inst
of oily dr
If at a restaurant order ch
the table and share a bowl. Order without salt and add y
own. Share a d
ert its nice to h
a tr
and a gr
way to finish a meal sha
g something with someone you love. If orde
g alcohol opt
a half wine half soda water its l
kilojoules but want blow the diet. Ask
a diet mixer that has a lot l
kilojoules than regular soft d
k. Practice portion control; h
two entrees it will give you a ta
of two dishes without being too much too
When ing takeaway don't up size it may seem cheap but its not cheap if y
going to h
too diet longer to burn the exc
fat from a large ch
of a small.
By following these simple t you will h
a gr
time at the party but wont wake in the morning 2 kilos heavier and thinking to y
self Why did I
and d
k so much last night?
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