Weight Loss Top Secret,weight loss tips,diet food

Thursday, 26 February 2009

How to Make Hunger Work For You on a Diet - Discover 3 Easy Ways:

Fat Loss 4 Idiots"I can't lose s weight because I am always too hungry." Have you ever said s to yourself? Hunger is a signal the body gives you to remind you to add some fuel to the furnace. It is in place so you don't forget to and get too on energy. Hunger is a good ng yet you might find yourself getting upset about being hungry when you on a diet. There is a way to work with your hunger to make weight loss a lot easier. Be I have defined 3 steps you can take today to use hunger to your advantage.

1. Know r Hunger Number:

r goal is to learn to work with your natural hunger signals but in order to do s you must first reconnect with true hunger and its varying degrees. A gr way to do s is to take the next couple of days and rate your hunger. Rating your hunger is simple when you use a hunger scale which is simply a scale from 0 to 10 with "0" meaning you absolutely starving and "10" meaning you stuffed. Take a break from what you doing about 5 times a day and assign yourself a hunger number by asking yourself, "How hungry is my stomach on a scale of 0 to 10?" T seems simple but if you have been out-of-touch with s sensation for a long time it might be hard to pinpoint, just stick with it and by the end of the first day you w be much more competent.

w notice that there many different levels of hunger, you not simply hungry or full, but in fact your level of hunger can range anywhere in between and s information can help you make better ing decisions as you w see as you continue reading.

2. Eat By r Hunger Number - Not the Clock:

A common cue we take from our environment that tells us we "should" is the clock. If you have been programmed to lunch at noon and dinner at 6 then you w find yourself doing just that out of habit, but what if you have a hunger number at 11am? What if your hunger number indicates that you st full from an afternoon snack at 6:00 pm? One way to let your natural hunger signal work for you is to when you hungry instead of ing because the clock says it is time to . Remember, hunger is a signal that your body needs fuel, it doesn't c what time of day it is. Give your body what it needs and start experimenting with different amounts of d and different types of d to see what keeps you satisfied longest. A hint is found in the next tip be.

3. Eat Foods That Stay In r Stomach Longer:

These would be ds that contain protein, good fat or high-fiber. best off to avoid ing refined or simple carbs alone when you trying to lose weight. T would be ds like pretzels, bread, baked goods, crackers, cookies, chocolate or candy. The reason is that these ds digested in a flash and leave your stomach very quickly causing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. r body then jumps into action to er your blood sugar back to normal but in its haste often causes the blood sugar to drop too and then guess what? r body says, "Send more d!" To avoid s hunger rollercoaster ds that empty sly out of your stomach such as protein-rich m, cheese and nuts; good fats such as olive oil and canola oil; or high-fiber ds such as vegetables and beans. These ds w digest sly and cause a s rise in blood sugar levels, keeping you satisfied longer.

Hunger is not a bad ng or someng to be fed when dieting. By learning to work with your natural hunger signal you w keep your blood sugar levels even and stay satisfied throughout the day and best of all you w prevent overing due to getting too hungry.

If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you nk, would you want to learn how? Click on s link for my free audio recording Change r Thoughts - Lose Weight.

Dr. Becky Gaspy is the cror of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset and your weight in just 7 weeks.

Fat Loss 4 Idiots

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