To lose weight you need to have caloric deficit. There are two ways how you can do that. One is to decrease the amount of calories you consume (eat less). The other is to increase the amount of calories you burn (exercise more). Increasing the amount of calories you burn is much more beneficial for several reasons.
Exercise helps you sleep better and manage stress better.
Exercise creates a caloric deficit without triggering starvation mode.
Exercise increases your metabolism.
Exercise (strength training) tells your body to keep the muscle. Dieting causes muscle loss.
Exercise helps prevent diabetes, control blood sugar, and improve insulin sensitivity.
Exercise increases mobility and quality of life as you get older.
Exercise increases bone density.
Exercise improves cardiovascular health.
Exercise improves mood, helps relieve depression and increases self esteem.
Exercise helps you keep the weight off long term.
The dieting and weight loss industry is a big business and that is why there are so many different diets, weight loss pills, magic potions to "help" you. People who create these diets know they do not work. If one method is not popular anymore, they just make up another easy to follow program. Most people go from one diet to another without any success and spend a lot of money in the process.
If we don't use our bodies and are inactive, then our bodies will break down. We are over weight and unhealthy mostly because we are inactive. Cardiovascular exercise + weight training + a small calorie reduction is vastly superior for fat loss purposes than a calorie reduction alone. Calorie restriction alone is incomplete and it takes changes in your lifestyle and habits, to make permanent changes. Healthy and physically able should do at least 3 days per week of vigorous cardiovascular exercise (jogging, brisk walking, treadmills, stair climbers, ellipticals, aerobics classes, etc), and they may increase their exercise frequency, intensity and or duration if necessary, to accelerate fat loss. So exercising is absolutley necessary to get rid of your fat tummy. Just go the gym or outside and burn your calories.
1 comment:
Due to the advancement in technology, it has provided more ways to get rid of fat. You could choose from various methods depending upon the specific requirements. People are trying many ways to get rid of obesity like diet pills etc. Most of them follow the guidelines but at the same time they don’t lessen their intake thinking that the diet pills will lessen the calories. To get rid of fat there is noting better than exercising.
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