So what are some good ways to burn calories and lose weight? Here are a few suggestions and some of them are a little different. Each one w
For my money Burpees are the best fat burg exercise possible. If I could only do one exercise for the rest of time then this would be it. It is truly a full body workout. And if you haven't figured this out yet allow me to let you in on a little secret. Full body workouts burn calories and prompt you to lose weight at an incredibly quick rate. You need to incorporate these
o your fat bur
g workouts. They are a must.
Irval Trai
Irval trai
g is a must is you want to lose weight and burn calories at a rapid pace. I
rval trai
g has proven itself in studies to be much more effective than "steady state aerobics." I
rval trai
g is similar to tabata in that it is a period of high
ensity exercise followed by a period of low
ensity exercise. An example would be spr
ing for 30 seconds and then walking for 30 - 45 seconds. Then you w
repeat the cycle over and over again. You need to incorporate
erval trai
o your workouts if you hope to burn fat, burn calories and lose weight.
If you perform these three types of exercise it w quickly move you down the road on your journey to burn calories and lose weight.
The Tabata Protocol is an exercise protocol named after Dr. Izumi Tabata of the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan. The Tabata protocol is 4 minutes of exercise alternating between short periods of ense exercise and rest. It consists of eight rounds of 20 seconds of exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest. This as I said is repeated for 8 rounds. Four minutes later you w
be done. You may be asking yourself how tough can that be and how w
this type of exercise ever burn calories and help me lose weight? Well, it is amazingly tough. I like to refer to it as a four minute trip
o hell.
Now what you are going to do is to take 5 mini trips o hell back to back. Twenty minutes later you w
have burned more calories than you can imagine. You can do a variety of exercises in a Tabata fashion but here are some that I would recommend: push-ups, body weight squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, box jumps, jumping in place, dumbbell overhead press, dumbbell curls, and handstand press. You can mix and match them to come up with 5 exercises to work
o your Tabata Exercise Protocol. You w
be pleased with the weight you lose and the fat that you shed.
If you perform these three types of exercise it w quickly move you down the road on your journey to burn calories and lose weight.
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