Finding your dieting mvation is no different; you simply have to put a little thought into unco
ing what you really want - what is in it for you.
If you asked someone why they are dieting you would likely get an answer such as:
- I want to look better
- I want to feel better
- I want to look good in shorts t summer
- I have an event coming up want to feel good about myself
- I want better health
The fact is that most people could come up with a list like t in a
y short period of time. Now there is nothing wrong with t
list, in fact these are all
y valid re
ns to lose weight the problem is that t
list is not
y compelling
the re
ns don't pack the em
onal power needed to m
vate you through tough dieting times.
Finding those true emon-packed re
ns is not hard, you just have to dig a little deeper.
Try t exercise, it is simple but requires a bit of thought. Take out a sheet of paper
number 1 to 15 down the side of the page, now come up with 15 re
ns you want to lose weight. Clients who have done t
in the past have unco
ed re
n that had deep em
onal meaning for them such things as:
- I want to be able to fit into the seats at the amusement park when I go with my kids
- I want to get pregnant feel my weight is preventing it
- I want to accomplish t while my mom is still alive
- My weight is preventing me from going for a promon at work
These rens were hidden from their c
ciousness until they did the work to unco
them but once they were revealed the re
ns acted as catalysts in their weight loss effort
kept them m
vated until their goal was reached.
Your dieting mvation will be unique to you, take some time now to unco
the compelling re
ns you want to lose weight
you will find it much easier to reach your goal.
If you could make weight loss easier by just changing the way you think, would you want to learn how? Click on t link for my free audio recording Change Your Thoughts - Lose Weight.
Dr. Becky Gillaspy is the creator of Weight Loss without Worry helping you change your mindset your weight in just 7 weeks.
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