We have done everything to hide the fat: undergarments t fit like a girdle and squish it in, form slimming jeans
ch slim
r wallet more
, cinch belts around
breathing, and much more! But why
stantly plagued with nasty fat cells and how can we
trol them?
Did ever have this
Greeting: "How
Answer: "Not too good; my fat cells out of
Of cse not, but let's face it the fat seesaw can drive us crazy!
Now, let's get down to the facts of fat. Did know we
all born with a predetermined number of fat cells? The problem for some people starts when we
mid-20's because metabolism levels begin to slow down. It has been proven through clinical studies
t the percentage decrease in
r metabolic rate is from five to ten percent each decade. Metabolism is the internal process by
ch fat, carbohydrates, and protein
broken down and
turned into energy.
We all know the body needs a lot of energy to function. We can speed up metabolism by weight training
verts fat into muscle. Scientists have proven
t eating vegetables and fruits rich in natural antioxidants will lower levels of triglycerides and reduce the risk of obesity. High triglycerides levels
one of the leading indicators for diabetes.
There two types of fat: one is subcutaneous fat. This type of fat is located right below the skin; primarily in the hips, thighs, and butt. Massage and aesthetic massage is known to be helpful in breaking up subcutaneous fat
ch will then flush out through the lymp
ic system. The se
d type of fat is intra-abdominal fat.
This is located around the organs and behind the stomach muscles. Women experiencing menopause can be faced with this type of fat and its well-known characteristic of causing thickening around the waist.
Women can also be plagued with superficial fat ch is just below the skin in front of the abdominal muscles. Superficial fat responds well to aesthetic massage,
ch is an all natural, non-invasive treatment, or liposuction. Deep fat can only be affected by weight loss;
ch means diet and exercise programs.
So now t we know the facts of fat, we can jump off the fat seesaw and start balancing
lives. Get
r fat cells in
trol through: massage, aesthetic massage, diet, exercise or liposuction. Fight obesity today!
For additional information t
may find useful go to: http://iauto.wlbjulia.hop.clickbank.net/
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