In these studies the results reved a substantial difference among the overall h
ght between women on strict
n d
s to those that are not on
n d
s. The majority of individuals studied that were not on
n d
s were found to be over
those on the
n d
s were of a normal h
The majority of a strict n d
consists of less fats consumed daily. Veg
ns also consume less saturated fats
much more fiber on a daily basis. For the most part if you decided to follow a
n d
you would be able to eat all the fresh fruits
gies you wanted
unlimited whole grains. You would still be able to lose the desired
ght without having to go hungry, you will be full
satisfied from h
thy foods.
Making the initial change from a meat eating d to a
n d
will require some getting used to. Some things that you m
t not r
ize you will no longer be able to eat. Such as cheese, milk, other dairy products
s. Your first though m
t be, 'this won't be hard' however, do you r
ize how much of these products are in other products you eat?
This doesn't mean you can't have your favorite foods just because they contain some of these products, instead you should find some alternatives to making the ms. For example, instead of making an omelet with
s you can make a tofu omelet with the same fixings.
* Instead of drinking cows milk you should switch to almond milk, soy milk or even rice milk.
* If a recipe calls butter or you are saut�ing a m
you can use
ble or canola oil, wine,
gie broth or non fat cooking sprays.
* Substitute cheese with either nutritional yeast flakes or soy cheese.
* Many stores carry substitutes or
re-placers. They are usually made from potato starches. Another option
you is to use flaxseed
water to replace every
that is needed
the recipe. You should use 1 tbsp. of flaxseed with 3 tbsps. Water per
Following n d
ght loss can be a beneficial lifestyle change
your overall h
th. It is important that you also include an exercise regimen into your d
an even more drastic
ght loss.
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