am sure you have
Well, it is
help you to l
I will
on its own.W
10 purified glasses of w
who don't know w
Before we get into it let me just emphasize two basic and
crucial elements of wht loss. If you do
have these
two in place it won't matter how much lthy stuff you
1.You must have a lthy and varied diet. When I say diet I
don't mean a specialized m plan, just eating sensibly
and in moderation. Make sure you cover the food groups
such as carbs, lthy fats (omega 3 and 6), proteins,
vitamins, minerals etc. And DO NOT skip breakfast. I repeat
DO NOT skip breakfast. It is just so crucial in setting up
your day, and ultimly your
2. You can l
ht without exercise. If you h
exercising and want to l w
ht, sorry to be blunt but it
ain't going to happen. The thing is its actuy quite
sim. You don't need to go to gym 2 hours everyday. Walk,
jog, play sport, any physical activity on a regular basis -
about half an hour everyday - is you need.
Okay, lets get to the drinks. There are essentiy two
drinks t work the best in helping you to burn fat and
l w
ht, and the great thing is they are 100% natural!
1. Green Tea
One cup of green tea a day will dramaticy boost your
metabolism, which is important in burning fat and wht
loss. If you check the vast majority of dietary supments
you will find green tea as one of the ingredients. Also, it
doe taste bad, but if you prefer, add a bit of honey
and lemon juice to make it taste even better.
2. Ap Cider Vinegar
This comes a cl second to green tea in aiding quick
wht loss. Hunger pangs is probably the major cause of
most peo failing in their diets because to l
you have to eat less. Initiy this is difficult to adapt
to because your body is used to a certain amount of food.
This results in most peo quiting too early. Where ap
cider vinegar is so effective is t it suppresses your
appetite by fooling your brain into thinking t you are
full even though you are . The only down side to it is
the taste. Its downrt awful!
There you have it, but ase remember these drinks to l
wht are only effective in conjunction with a
lthy diet
and regular exercise. If you understand this you can
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