
delectable puddings and th

delicious, yummy deserts maybe calling you to reach out and grab them but if you are on a wei

loss p

, that is exactly what you don't want to do!
One desert won't do much damage, eh? Well, did you realize that one desert a day for a month can add an extra few pounds to y


? Well, the temptation of th


ing treats and mouth wa

ing dinners can be a little overwhelming at times, so here are some wei

loss p

tips for the holiday season.
Loss P
Tip #1: Never Ever Skip MealsHave you ever skipped a meal in a day only to find you felt tired, grouchy and hungry the whole time. If you think skipping a few meals can make up for y

intentions to splurge on th

tasty holiday meals, you are dead wrong! What will be more likely to happen is it will turn you into a ravenous eating mons


g the festive season and end up feeling bloated and with a lot more calories than you could have do wi

ut if you weren't so hungry. Save y

self the humiliation in front of y

co-workers and family by not skipping a meal.
Loss P
Tip #2: Eat Before the PartyIt is a good idea to snack before the party, and select a high fiber meal. A diet high in fiber can make you feel full which means there is less chance of binging on th

deserts du

g the holiday season. Remember, if you are full, you are likely to eat less at the party.
Loss P
Tip #3: Stay as far Away as Possible from the Buffet Table Resisting th

savory looking dishes can be a real challenge and you don't want to cause y

willpower to be threatened unnecessarily! Cho

a healthy helping of th

foods you need - the salads the fruits - and a snack or two and move away as fast as you can from the table! Find someone to get involved in a good long conversation, which will help you get y

mind off the food and be able to survive through th

threatening times at the party with flying colors!
Loss P
Tip #4: D
k Lots of Wa

is a great lubricant and helps you keep dehydration away du

g the wei

loss p

. D

k plenty of wa


g the party to avoid feelings of hunger. Replace a glass of egg-nog or alcohol with a glass of wa

when possible. As a bonus wa

will also help to fire up y

metabolic rate and help flush fats away.
Loss P
Tip #5: Get Plenty of ExerciseExercising a lot is critical to keep y

metabolism geared up and the adrenalin going so that you won't need to food to get you feeling good. Cho

exercises that are fun and make you feel good about y

self. Personally I like to get out and play basketball. If you are limited on time, try walking for thirty minutes af

dinner or in the morning before you go to work. The holiday season is simply not an excuse not to exercise!
Take advantage of these wei

loss p

tips du

g the holiday season to not only prevent you from gaining wei

but also helping you l

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