There's no question that obty is a serious problem in the U.S. N
ly one out of every three men and women in this country meet the criteria for ob
ty -- d
ned as an excess of total
g from caloric intake exceeding energy usage. According to the Cent
for Disease Control and Preve
on, n
ly 97 million adults in this country are e
er overweight or obese. Shockingly, this figure is equivalent to more than 50 percent of the e
re U.S. population. The dangerous consequences of ob
ty include cardiovascular disease and a g
tly inc
sed risk of developing diabetes. According to Business Week, the d
re to
s this problem leads Amer
ns to spend $40 billion a y
on weight-loss programs and prod
s - often only for temporary
ults, regaining that lost weight weeks or months later.
My inteon in this
icle is to introduce
to a simple change
can make in
r daily rou
e, one that has been scie
lly proven to help
lose weight and keep it off. It's
exactly a "secret," because this ritual has been a p
of daily life in Asia for centuries. Quite simply, I'm sugges
g that
ing green tea to
r daily diet can help
and enable
to keep excess weight off once and for all.
As 're about to see, numerous scie
fic studies
e concluded that green tea can play an extremely valuable and e
ctive role in the process of losing weight. As
ed below, many of those studies
e found that the way to get the maximum ben
t from green tea is by
nking a few cups of green tea each day, but by
ing a green tea extract to
r daily rou
e. Even Oprah was excited to h
this news, and she declared that she was eager to st
nking green tea and eliminate co
e. When
see what these studies
e found, I believe that
'll be excited too!
For centuries, Asian cultu
e recognized the ben
ts of green tea and accepted this as common knowledge. For example, studies cond
ed in Japan
e found that the women who teach or prac
e the traditional tea ceremony in that country - and thus
nk large qua
ties of green tea - are healthier and live longer than those engaged in any other profession. Other studies in Asia and here in the US
e also concluded that green tea o
rs g
t ben
ts in terms of reducing the risk of cancer, he
disease, and stroke. The focus of this
icle, however, is specif
lly on weight loss.
One st of more than 1200 adults cond
ed at the National Cheng Kung Univ
ity Hospital in Taiwan found that habitual tea
showed a 19.6% red
ion in their percentage of
as well as a red
ion in their waist-to-hip ratio, compared w
those p
g in the st
who did
nk tea regularly.
For those of us wout med
l degrees, let's find out exactly how these g
t ben
ts are achieved - and why green tea, in p
icular, is so helpful for those seeking to lose weight. We'll also l
n why green tea extract is such a valuable
ition to any weight loss plan.
Just as exercise is so esseal when it comes to losing weight, a p
on's metabolic rate - the biolog
l process through
ch energy is made available - dir
ly a
oxidation. To und
tand exactly how green tea can help us lose weight, it's necessary to introduce a couple of scie
fic terms. The leaves from
ch green tea is brewed contain what are known as "catechin polyphenols,"
e an e
ct on the process of "thermogen
s." These catechin polyphenols
e a high level of a
ch we've all certainly l
ned are import
when it comes to our health.
Sciests use the term "thermogen
s" to describe the rate at
ch calories are being burned. Regardless of all the compl
ted words used to describe the process, this is the goal everyone w
a d
re to lose weight is seeking. A st
ed at the Univ
ity of Geneva in S
zerland concluded that green tea does in fact raise a p
on's metabolic rate - this process of "thermogen
s" -- w
ult that the rate of
oxidation is inc
Other studies e found that the most prominent catechin found in green tea - EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate, an a
that has also been found to
e ben
cial e
cts in the t
tment of brain tumor cells) - has a number of positive e
cts on the process of weight loss. One recent st
found that EGCG reduces the proliferation of
cells in the human
y, dec
y and
mass, and inhibits
absorption. Those seeking to
the maximum level of EGCG to their daily diet can find a very high level of this catechin in Chi Tea Ultimate Green Tea Extract.
Aher recent st
found signs that EGCG plays an import
role in promo
g the process of thermogen
s and healthy weight control. The scie
sts conduc
g this st
concluded that EGCG has a dir
ct on norepineph
e, a hormone c
ted by the
ch inc
ses the metabolic rate
ch in turn has an e
ct on burning
Studies e also found specific ben
ts to green tea extract, w
to weight loss. One obvious ben
t of green tea extract, of course, is that
ing this supplement to one cup of brewed tea or simply to a glass of water is equivalent to
nking 10-15 cups of green tea, the amount many people in Asia
nk every day. For most of us,
nking 20-30 cups of green tea every day is simply
very pract
l, but we still w
to obtain the ben
ts of that amount of green tea.
One st reported in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that green tea extract inhibits the
g enzymes,
ch means that
ty foods are less likely to be broken down and absorbed by the
y. A
her st
in the same publ
tion concluded that the EGCG found in green tea has e
ct on the
ults in calories being burned at a very high rate.
Earlier in this icle, it was
ed that a st
ed in Taiwan found that "habitual tea
" experienced certain health ben
ts including an enhanced ability to lose weight. According to WebMD, after only three months, p
s in a st
ed recently in Japan experienced signif
nt health ben
ts by
ing green tea extract to their daily rou
e. Du
g the three month st
, reported in the Amer
n Journal of Clin
l Nutrition, the p
s who drank a bottle of tea fortified w
green tea extract every day lost more
than the p
s who simply drank a bottle of tea w
ing the green tea extract. The
concluded that the catechins in the green tea extract stimulated the
y to burn calories and dec
. The p
s in this three-month st
who drank the tea fortified w
green tea extract lost an average of 5.3 pounds. The other p
s, who did
green tea extract to their diet, only lost an average of 2.9 pounds. Those who made gre
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